The nest

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Aaron's p.o.v

Walking through the middle of town following my sisters weak scent I have an eerie feeling. This town is really creepy at night! Alleyways lace the side roads. Not a place for a 13 year old to be out in at this time of night... Or morning....

"Arg 2:30am! Kate where are you!" I whisper to myself quickening my pace to a slow jog.

Running about a hundred yards I suddenly hear noises coming from an ally up a side road, wasting no time I turn down the road the way the noise came from.

'Smash.... Clang.' A metal trash can lands a few meters ahead of me. I silently glide along the wall.

"Now listen close you fool! If you don't bring a blood offering to the high-priestess she'll kick your ass and remove your head from your shoulders! Do you want that?!" A deep voice whisper-shouts

"No brother..." A smaller male voice whispers

Two vampires... Wait.. Blood offering? Oh Kate you better be ok!

"You smell that?!" The deep-voice vamp alerts his younger brother.

"Hmm? No?" The smaller of the two said.

With that I walk out from behind the wall "oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was down here..." I say in an innocent voice. I have a plan.

"Well well well... Can we help you with something? " the big vamp asks with a smirk plastered across his lips as he walks towards me.

"No... I'm just looking for my friend... Have you seen a girl with my color hair and around the age of 13?" I ask still acting innocent and a little scared.

"Oh that sounds like the kid drake was taking back to the nest!" The smaller says looking from his brother to me clearly thinking he's done something good by telling me.

The bigger vamp strikes out at the smaller of the two, hitting him in the face causing the smaller male to fall backwards with a scared look in his eyes. I can't help myself but to rush over and make sure he is ok. He's clearly slower then normal vampires, in the head I mean. It's just the scared look in his eyes, I can't help my self.

"Are you ok?" I say crouching down the poor boy just stays where he lays, propped on his elbows.

I look up to the offender, he just stands there leaning on the wall like its normal for him to knock someone to the floor and not help them up!

"Look, he's fine get away from him" a deep voice says as I'm dragged back by my shoulder. Connecting with the brick wall on the other side of the ally.

"Why you son of a bitch!" I get up ready to kick the shit out of this buffoon! But the bastard is just smirking at me again! Probably thinking how I couldn't take him at my smaller frame. God I'd give anything to use my powers on this piece of shit right now! But I mustn't show them my true abilities yet, not if I wanted to get Kate back.

"Look, can I come back to your nest? I sort of don't have a place to go?" I lie, the big vampire looks to be happy about my statement... Creepy.

"Sure!... Let's go Levi! Oh and by the way my names Shane.." He says walking towards me leaving poor Levi to scrape himself off the pavement.

"So you wanna come home with me? What do I get ?" Shane said with a disgusting smirk on his dark lips, his dark brown short hair blowing in the sudden wind traveling through the ally.

"A-anything you want" I said without breaking character. Ha like fuck you're getting anything from me dickhead!

"Hmm... Can't wait" he breaths into my ear making me shudder in disgust.

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