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Logan Lerman as Luca

Aaron's P.O.V!

"Oh I'm sorry how rude of me.... My names Aaron" I smile

" nice to meet you Aaron, it's nice to meet someone kind" Luca says whimpering slightly. Poor human.

I've learnt a lot while being in this shit hole for three months, the biggest surprise is that I'm pregnant! And that there are a handful of male 'carriers' in the world, like 1000/1 ! And this facility is designed to capture human carriers to breed them with the strongest vampires. Apparently I'm the only vampire carrier they've ever encountered. Maybe because I'm the prince of vampires bitches!

"So how old are you Luca?" I ask, he looks to be in his mid teens.

"They said my 16th birthday was two months ago" he said Shuffling slightly to accommodate his large baby bump.

"And how far along are you?" I ask, this poor child...

"7 months....." That's when the tears started to fall.

"Oh sweetheart" I pulled him close letting him cry on my shoulder

"Th-they took me from my old life, they gave me amnesia so I can't remember anything and they r-r-raped meee!!!" He practically screamed into my shoulder. My heart broke in that instant. He's just a child, no doubt a virgin before hand too!

I just soothed his cries, this poor boy. Makes me miss my own children even more. My sweet brave Evan and sensitive little Wyatt. God how I miss them, and Tom. I'm carrying his first child, and he doesn't even know...

Luca fell asleep next to me on the hard stone floor. This is no place to be human and pregnant... I hope he and his baby survives.... I hope I survive! My hand instinctively cradles my four month old baby bump. This baby will survive... It has to.

Luca woke at sunrise, the only way I know this is the bars that sit high on the wall.

"Luca? Does this room have any weak spots? Like loose bricks, anything? My last room was solid." I ask looking around. I need to save this kid, all these kids. I look from Luca to his stomach to mine.

"Actually.... When I first arrived I worked on dislodging this block over there" Luca pointed to the other side of the room. "I couldn't get it out tho it's too heavy." He said getting up with me to walk over to the loose block.

"Let me try.." With one hand I pulled using my powers and the block slid out from the wall.

"Omg how did you do that?!" Luca awed bemused

"I'll explain later, we need to get out." Luckily the blocks were so big I could easily slide through the gap. "C'mon Luca, hurry!" I whisper shout, keeping an eye out for any guards.

"I-I can't, I won't fit." Luca tried squeezing through the gap but his stomach was too large.

"Quick, stand way back and to the side," I ordered.

After hearing him move away I laid flat on my back and drew my knees up, forcing them down hard the wall exploded into the room. "C'mon! Run!" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him as I ran in vampire speed. I ran over huge grass lands before I saw the trees, two vampires appeared out of no where flanking me from a hundred yards either side.... Quickening my pace I through out my power to them knocking them down so we could escape.

We ran into the trees and away to safety.

When we finally reached a town I learnt we were in Alberta, Canada. Not too far from Seattle, maybe a days run on my own but with a passenger a day and a half...

"Ok we can get to my house in about a day, we need to leave now though" I say looking round to Luca.

"Ok... I'm actually sort of hungry, starving actually...." He said looking around.

Oh, human duh! I don't have any money.... "Ok I'll get you something... Wait a moment." I say jogging further into town. I'm not a thief but I can't let a pregnant carrier go hungry. I found a small bakery in a lovely little road. Using my enhanced vision I picked out the pastries I was going to swipe and ran at full speed past the bakery, heading round the corner I had my desired pastries. Now to head back to Luca.

Not wasting any time I sprinted back to the place I left him and to my relief he was still standing where I left him!.

I handed him the food and told him to eat quickly and hide in the trees while I found myself something.

Before we knew it we were running again, well I was he was being held up and pulled. The sun went down a few hours ago but I was starting to recognize the territory, my territory. In a matter of minutes we reached my house.

I didn't stop to look, I burst though the door and panted some. I pointed to the couch to signal to Luca to sit or lay whatever.

Footsteps alerted me to an incoming vampire.

"Aaron!?" Tom released a breathy sigh of relief.

"Hi Tom" I looked up and between his legs popped a head of light brown hair and to the side popped a head of black hair.

"My babies" I cried holding my arms out for them.

They flew down the stairs and into my arms and we all cried. Totally exhausted but happy to be home.

A/N wow 3 updates in 24hrs!! Lucky people 😜

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