Be-headed, Defeated, Aaron.

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Toms p.o.v

It's been three months since the newborns killed my beloved Aaron. The kids won't stop crying, literally only stoping to eat and sleep and even that is broken. They're totally devastated as am I...

I don't know how I can do this without him, raise the kids, keep them safe, support them financially without being at work as much. This is a mess and my heart is broken. I don't think I can live an eternity like this, without my soulmate.

I hear the boys crying in the other room again, I head in to find them.

"Mu-mu-mummy!" They sob into the cushions of our couch . Every time my heart breaks a little more for them.

"Shhh, I know, I know.." I soothe sitting on the couch rocking them slowly.


Unknown p.o.v

It's cold and dark and a little wet. What is this place...


Evans p.o.v

I want mommy, I haven't seen him in so long and those evil vampires hurt him and then he went away...

"Wy, I'm sorry we shouldn't have gone. We couldn't help momma" I say to my younger twin.

"N-no... Momma..." Wyatt mumbles. I hope he's going to be ok, he's not the same anymore.... Not Wyatt.

I gently slipped into bed with my twin and snuggled down for the night.

Toms p.o.v

As I slipped the door open to check on the boys, they're in the same bed again, they haven't slept in separate beds since... Well you know..

Walking up to their sleeping forms I gently kiss their heads and tuck them in.

"Mum?" Wyatt calls

"No buddy, it's just me" I said feeling terrible

"Oh..." He falls back to sleep.

Heading out the room I close the door quietly, it's sad, I think they think he will come back.... But no one survives a beheading.

Today is the boys first day back at school in three months, and my first day at work. I've been doing as much work from home as I can but that's only a short term solution. If I'm not careful I'll loose the house.

"C'mon boys, school time" I call up the stairs. I need this to be as normal as possible.

"Okay!" Two little voices shout.

A few minutes later I'm joined in the kitchen by two little vampires, "are you looking forward to going back to school?!" I ask enthusiastically.

"Yeah!!" Evan cheers !

"Is mommy taking us?" Wyatt asks, I think he's in denial.

"No bud, I will be. Mommy's not here anymore remember?" I kneel down to his level.

"Oh..." A silent tear roles down his cheek. He's really taken losing Aaron hard, I mean we all have but Wyatts not moving on at all.

"Ok guys lets have breakfast and head off to school!!" I say patting their little butts.

The drop off was hard for Wyatt, he didn't want to go in.... He did though, just took him longer. Poor kid. Off to work I go... Hope they will be ok

Third party p.o.v

A curled up form laying on a stone floor whimpers. The rounding of their stomach indicates that they are with child. In nothing more then a grey oversized shirt. This person looks very sad, lifeless as he holds onto his growing baby bump. The poor boy doesn't know his name, who he is or how he came to be here. He has severe amnesia.

He cries himself to sleep every night, he just wishes he knew who he was, if he had a family somewhere.

A burst of light shines into the cell like room, the heavy metal door is pulled open by a woman with a guard by her side.

"It's time to check the baby" she says simply

"Who am I? Please just tell me!" The boy asks crying again

"Look I don't know, it's not for me to know. All I'm here for is to check the child inside your body" the woman says harshly

The boy responds by getting up, he knows the procedure.

After the woman had finished she lowered the boys top again covering his totally naked body. "Oh and by the way, you'll have a room mate today, we needed his cell for another carrier so we are pairing you up!" She said as she left, the guard closing the door with a bang.

Unknown p.o.v (amnesia boy)

A few hours later the door opened again but this time another guy in his mid twenties was pushed in, he had light brown hair and piercing green eyes, he also wore a oversized grey top but he also had skinny jeans on.

I remained curled up on the floor hugging my 7 month old baby bump.

"Hey are you ok?" The older guy asked walking over slowly.

I whimper in response, totally submissive. I'm in no state to defend myself.

"I won't hurt's going to be okay" he says crouching down laying a kind hand on my fragile skin.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask.

"No sweety I don't... Although there was a name on the door, I think they put our names on the doors... it said Luca." He said looking back to the door and back to me.

"L-Luca?" I'm not sure if it rings a bell...

"What's your name?" I ask sitting up slowly.

"Oh I'm sorry how rude of me... My names Aaron" he smiles

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