39 5 9

"Now I'm lying in the arms of a stranger."

After I gave up on trying to escape this god awful situation, I called Victoria and explained everything. Well, mostly everything. 

I kind of left out the part about Harry forcing me to stay with him instead of offering and the fact that he scares the absolute shit out of me.

Other than that I told her everything. I told her that I'd be staying with Harry over night, but that I'd keep my location on. She made many teasing remarks before the conversation finally ended and I hung up.

Now it's three in the afternoon and dinner was just delivered to the apartment. It seems kind of early for dinner, but Harry told me that he hasn't eaten today which made me realize that I haven't either. 

I sit down at the wooden dining table with my back to Harry who is unpacking the food in the kitchen. I swear he ordered enough Chinese food to feed a family of six. 

"What do you want love?" he asks kindly.

"I don't care," I mumble in response.

"Suit yourself."

He's probably putting poison in my food. If I die at least I won't have to sleep here with him.

I hear Harry walking towards the table but I keep my focus on the fork in front of me. He sets one plate down for me and one for himself before sitting down next to me.

I only stare at the plate of orange chicken and rice as he starts to eat his.

"Eat," he says.

"No," I protest.

"Caroline you need to eat."

"I'm not your child," I scoff, "You can't tell me what to do."

"Just eat the damn food."

I finally give in with an eye roll, "Fine."

"Good girl," he concludes the argument before returning to his meal.

Why did that give me butterflies? That should not give me butterflies.

This man's lucky he's attractive or I would've gone crazy by now.

I pick up my fork and begin to slowly eat the food that I was given.

Harry finishes his food and awkwardly watches me finish mine. I still don't make eye contact with him even when he grabs my empty plate and puts in the sink.

"I'm taking a shower," he informs me.

I simply nod in response and he walks away towards the bathroom.

I wait until I hear the bathroom door close before standing up from my seat. I begin to roam around the place that I'll be staying at tonight. The walls are pretty empty and boring and the tables and shelves aren't much better. It's a very under decorated yet weirdly cozy environment. 

When I walk close to the bathroom I hear loud grunts coming from behind the closed door.

What is he doing in there?

Oh no.

Surely he's not-

"Oh my god," I hear him cry out.

Good lord, he is.

Harry's getting himself off while I'm at his house.

I dramatically throw my head back in annoyance before walking away. I decide it's best not to go in Harry's room for the sake of his privacy, but it seems to be the last room in the apartment. I wander back to the couch to change into the clothes that Harry left out for me.

Randomly, I notice an article of clothing there that I didn't before. 


Am I supposed to wear these? Well, I guess it's better then wearing the same underwear that I've had on for a whole day.

I listen to make sure that Harry's still in the shower before stripping myself of all clothes except my bra. I quickly step into the boxers in fear of Harry coming out and seeing me. They're surprisingly comfortable and not as big as I thought they would be.

Next I put on the sweatpants and shirt that are in fact too big. I have to roll the waistband of the pants to prevent them from falling down my hips. The shirt hangs off my shoulder and smells strongly of laundry detergent.

I look over at a clock on the wall and see that it's only six o'clock, but I haven't been sleeping well lately and I'm pretty tired. I decide that getting some rest right now won't be too bad. 

I grab the blanket that's hanging off the arm of the couch and I lay down with it. The warmth of the blanket is comforting even in this stressful situation. My eyes suddenly feel heavy and it becomes harder to fight off sleep.

Everything fades to darkness and I drift off into a deep sleep.

Harry's POV

I finish getting dressed and leave the bathroom. On my way to my bedroom something catches my eye. 


She's sprawled out on the couch and the blanket that I assume was once wrapped around her is now on the floor. 

Whatever, it doesn't matter to me.

I can't just leave her like that though.

Yes I can. She's just a stupid girl.

I finally end the mental battle going on and walk over to the couch. 

She breathes lightly in her sleep as I hesitantly bend down. I gently grab under her back with one  arm and under the crook of her knees with the other. I heave her sleeping body up and off of the couch. 

Slowly, I walk towards my bedroom. The door is barely open so I push it with my foot so that I can walk through. I move us towards the unmade bed and sit Caroline down so that her head is on the pillow. Her face remains peaceful and the only movement coming from her is her chest rising and falling as she breathes.

I pull the covers up so that they cover her torso before facing away from her and heading towards the door. I steal one last glance at the woman in my bed before shutting the door and leaving her to rest.

hey besties!

sorry that this chapter took literally 10 years to write. i've been indescribably busy with school work lately. 

thank you for your patience and i hope you liked this chapter xx

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