chapter five

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chapter five; No sleep, just thoughts... 

Eloise didn't eat dinner or have her feeding treatment that night. She didn't even get to see George.

Eloise lay face down on her makeshift bed, her face shoved into the feather pillow. Her eyes were closed tightly, not letting the embarrassing tears escape.

She didn't have the strength or courage to face George yet, so instead she knocked loudly on his bedroom door then flew up the stairs to Ginny's room.

Sliding down the door once she was safely inside the room, she put her ear against the door as she listened for George to answer the door.

"Fred?" George called down the stairs, shuffling out of his door.

"Dinner Georgie!" Molly called from the main floor, cursing slightly as something fell and crashed down below.

She knew she was a coward for not facing George, But then again, that's why she was sorted into Ravenclaw and not her father's house.

Finding her bed and luggage, Eloise pulled out her snuffy and her favorite blanket and curled up on her mattress. She inhaled the smell of her father from her stuffed animal, feeling homesick.

Exhausted, she turned on her stomach, feeling more embarrassed than ever, then fell into a restless sleep.

"Eloise? You missed dinner." Hermione and Ginny both walked into the room, finding Eloise sleeping soundly.

"George said he heard a knock, but no one was at his door. So I'm assuming you're some kind of pussy that can't face my brother." Ginny snickered, wincing as Hermione gave her a shove.

"We got into a quarrel before the accident. I don't know if I can face him yet."

"Fred mentioned that... but really Eloise, I think it's all behind him. He was worried about you when he heard you were injured, He was devastated when he found out you wouldn't come back to school for the remainder of the term." Ginny sat on the edge of Eloise's bed, giving her a comforting smile.

"That night I was going to apologize and make everything right, but I saw Harry and Hermione and I couldn't sit back to watch them get hurt." Eloise rubbed her eyes, sitting up to look at Ginny.

"Did you mean it? Do you think he's past it?" Eloise bit her lip, her snuffy secure in her grasp.

"George doesn't seem to be one to hold grudges. And if you explain it he'll understand, granted I don't know what happened but I think you'll be alright." Hemione smiled gently, sitting on her own mattress.

"Plus, When Mum told George you were supposed to get him for dinner, his head snapped so fast I'm pretty sure he got whiplash." Ginny laughed, "I think he's scared to talk to you as well."

"But then again, I think he likes the idea of being under the same roof of his dear Eloise," Ginny remarked, not hiding the smirk on her lips. 

"You guys are great friends, it'll be alright," Hermione reassured, winking at Ginny.

"Yeah right, friends." Ginny snorted, "But I would get snappy with the apology, I overheard from Ron that Alicia Spinnet has been writing to George all summer... she's very persistent." Ginny winced again as Hermione pushed her a little harder.

"Alicia," Eloise whispered, frowning at her name.

"We have a long walk tomorrow, getting to the cup and all. I would take that time to patch up things with George." Hermione grinned, settling into her bed.

"Maybe," Eloise smiled at the thought of seeing George's face. She wanted to see his infectious smile, and she wanted to be the reason for it. SHe didn't realize how much she missed seeing him every day, the feeling of nervous butterflies fluttered in her abdomen. 

"Try to get some sleep, El." Hermione gave Eloise a pat on the shoulder before turning away from her to get her pajamas

"Right, like I can sleep now." Eloise smiled to herself, images of George flashing through her mind. 


"Don't tell me you're already up." Hermione laughed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Hmm?" Eloise hummed, staring at the ceiling with a small smile.

"Did you even sleep?" Hermione slipped out of her bed, wrapping a quilt around her body.

"I'm not sure, But I don't feel tired." Eloise sat up, frowning as Hermione giggled at her.

"What are you laughing at." Eloise frowned a sleepy smile on her lips.

"Your hair, it's all uh..." Hermione used her hands to exaggerate the mess that was Eloise's hair.

Eloise ran her fingers over her knotted curls, trying to flatten them.

"You can shower first, You need it for that bird's nest." Hermione rolled back into her bed, closing her eyes, "I'll shower after you."

Nodding to herself, Eloise stood before tucking her Snuffy under the cover, in case he got cold in the morning draft.

Making her way down the stairs, Eloise found that someone was already in the toilet. Rubbing her shoulders to keep warm, she regretted wearing her sleep shorts and tank top.

Rubbing away the goosebumps on her exposed shoulders, Eloise didn't notice the door hinges creak as they opened.


Eloise turned her head slowly, sucking in a breath.

Standing in all his glory was George Weasley, His hair damp from his shower, and his torso very much exposed.  Eloise tried to hold in her gasp, but come on... George was standing there wet and shirtless. 

Eloise looked away quickly once she realized she was staring, she tugged on the hem of her shirt, realizing that it was definitely showing her midriff.

"George." Eloise found enough courage to look George in the eye, He stared at her with a new look in his eye, something Eloise couldn't quite place as his eyes ran over her body. 

"Sorry... uh, here." George gestured to the bathroom after tightening the towel around his waist.

Eloise nodded before closing the door quickly. Looking in the mirror, Eloise groaned in frustration at the mess that was on top of her head.

"Bloody hell." Eloise tried to flatten the pieces that stood up straight, completely humiliated. Giving up, she started the warm water of the shower.

Borrowing Hermione's hair shower products for her curls, she tried to find a body wash. Picking up a few bottles, she found one that looked suitable 

Eloise smelled soap in the bottle, sighing at the smell. It smelled of spice and the woods, and something sweet like... marshmallow? It smelled of, George. 

Wrapping a towel around her body and hair, She exited the toilet quickly to avoid any eyes on her.

"Ah Wheezy, Thank you for gracing me with this image this early in the morning." Fred leaned against the wall opposite the bathroom, a red-faced Ron standing next to him.

"Fred." Ron hissed, not looking at Eloise.

"Just having a little fun... Right El?" Fred winked, walking into the washroom.

"Right." Eloise rolled her eyes lightly, tightening her towel before saying a quiet good morning to Ron.

"Breakfast is downstairs when you're ready, Eloise." Ron looked past Eloise's face, his face blushing red.

"You can call me El if you want, Ron." Eloise smiled slightly, walking past Ron.

"Right... El." 

with love, george |g. weasley|Where stories live. Discover now