chapter eighteen

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chapter eighteen; mean joke

It had been a week since the news of Eloise's passing, and the whole castle could feel the grief from Eloise's peers.

 Eloise was known to be a shy, soft soul. She didn't speak unless spoken to, and could always found in the library.

 Since she was befriended by the Weasley boys, her status was raised to be well known by the Hogwarts students and staff. 

She wasn't "popular" per se, she was loved. 

The castle was dull without the laughter and pranks of the Weasley twins. The boys stayed in their designated beds the day after the news. Fred, Lee, and Kenneth all knew they needed to set an example for George once he was ready to roll out of bed, so they wiped their tears and encouraged George. 

"How is he? How are you?" Harry sat in front of Fred as he slowly ate a bowl of oatmeal. 

Fred looked up with bloodshot eyes, giving Harry a tired look. 

"My best friend is dead, and her boyfriend, my twin, hasn't gotten out of bed in a week. Not great mate." Fred turned back to his meal, letting a few tears stray into the bowl. 

"Sorry," Harry muttered with a tight voice as he watched Hermione and Ron enter the hall with Cedric following.  

Hermione Granger rubbed her eyes tiredly, looking as if she hasn't slept in days. Her normally bushy hair fell into a messy knot on her head, left to be forgotten, while her normal tidy uniform was wrinkled. 

"Hi," Hermione plopped down on the wooden bench, resting her head in her hands. 

Ron looked to Harry. He decided he would rather bottle up his sadness, staying stone faced and strong for Hermione's sake. 

"Hey," Fred muttered, swirling the brown sugar around in his bowl. 

"Do you have any idea what the last task would be, Harry?" Cedric tried to defuse the sadness at the table, he looked to Harry as he took a seat next to Fred. 

Harry's eyes lit up at Cedric addressing him, wetting his lips no words could be formed in his dry throat. 

"If he does, I hope he would share with me." Angelina took the other side of Fred, wrapping a supportive arm around him. 

"I have no idea, I just want to get it over." Harry responded, averting his eyes away from Cedric's. 

Harry looked around at his friends, all of their faces looked grey and lifeless. His eyes welled with tears, he was heartbroken over his passed friend. He hasn't had time to grieve because of the responsibilities that came with being one of the Hogwarts campions. 

"I've got to go." Harry stood, suddenly overwhelmed by his emotions.


"I'll see you around, I forgot Moody wanted to speak with me." Harry slung his bag over his shoulder, not meeting Cedric's eyes. 

Harry bolted out of the Hall, the tears spilling over onto his cheeks. 

"Harry," Cedric put a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder, turning him to face him. 

"Talk to me." Cedric pleated, his own tears escaping as he looked at Harry's distraught face.

"I-I've been so caught up with the tournament, I wasn't there for Eloise. I should have took the time and went to see her or-or done something." Harry covered his mouth, it was all too much. 

"Harry," Cedric pulled him into his chest, letting them both get a good cry out. 

"You couldn't have gone to see her, no one could. No even the boy-who-lived." Cedric pulled away from him, wiping his tears on his button up. 

"There's always a way," Harry took a deep breath, suddenly embarrassed he cried on Cedric. 

"Maybe, But you shouldn't blame yourself." Cedric tried to smile, he knew what Harry was feeling because he felt the same.

"I just can't take the pain, my chest is so tight. I just wish this wasn't real, I wish she would waltz right by me and tell me this was all some mean joke." Harry closed his eyes, thinking of Remus and Sirius. Their daughter was dead. 

"Jesus fuck." Harry held his chest, new tears flowing. 

"Remus, she was his life." Harry held onto Cedric, he didn't mention Sirius but he cried for him too. 

"I know." Cedric sniffed, patting Harry's back. 

"I just want to win this stupid fucking tournament, for Eloise." Harry cleared his throat, his voice became confident, angry even. 

"And that's what you'll do, I know you will." Cedric smiled 

"For Eloise." 

with love, george |g. weasley|Where stories live. Discover now