chapter eleven

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chapter eleven; the second gryffindor champion 

It had been a week since Harry's name was drawn from the Goblet, sending Eloise into an anxious frenzy.

 Every time she would see his face, he would send her an apologetic smile while turning away. She knew he didn't mean to be rude, but he could really use all of the friends he could get with his sudden falling out with Ron.

Walking down a corridor, Eloise felt arms wrap around her torso. The person lifted her slightly from the ground, tickling her sides. 

"Morning, Darling."

"George!" Eloise squealed, George shushed her by putting a hand over her mouth.

"Do you want to get caught?" George whispered, kissing her cheek gently.

Eloise sighed at his touch, a smile falling to her lips.

"I can't remember why we decided to be a secret in the first place." Eloise giggled, pushing George back enough to look up at him, which was quite a gap.

"Because it's fun." George smiled slyly, finally connecting his lips with Eloise.

"But you're right, I want to make us public." George fixed a strand of Eloise's hair while she whipped her strawberry lip gloss from George's lips.

"Really?" Eloise quirked her eyebrow, walking out of the corridor, George walking out a few moments later.

"Yeah." George smiled down at Eloise, it had been six weeks since George and Eloise first confessed their feelings. Since then, they had been stealing kisses between classes and secretly glancing at the other every chance they got.

George's hand brushed the back of Eloise's, something he did when he missed her touch.

"Oi! Found them!" The two turned to the loud voice, finding Lee on Kenneth's back as he trotted down the hallway.

"Come on! To the common room!" Fred flew down the hallway, keeping up with his friends. As he passed, Fred grabbed onto George, who quickly took Eloise's hand in his before his twin dragged them to keep up.

"Fred!" Eloise laughed loudly as her peers parted out of their way.

"Eloise!" Fred mocked, a smirk on his face.

"You're going too fast!" Eloise tripped over her own feet, trying to get the right footing.

"Huh, I've never had a girl tell me that before," Fred smirked, walking into the Gryffindor common room.

Walking into the common room, Eloise took a seat on the burgundy couch. She stretched her legs across the velvet innocently, making George stare at her legs. Usually, she wore tights under her gray skirt, but it was warm enough to go without.

George sat next to Eloise, lifting her legs to rest on his lap. Eloise smiled at him, grabbing a book, and started where she left off last.

George stroked his finger across Eloise's tanned skin, it was so soft and smooth.

Eloise huffed and put her book on her lap, unable to concentrate.

"Are you done?" Her cheeks were tinged pink, her smile growing. 

George gave her a cheeky smile, his cheeks a light shade of pink.

Eloise placed her feet on the floor, giving George a look when he whined, trying to keep her legs on his lap.

Eloise nodded at Lee and Kenneth walking towards them, making him sigh and let go of her legs.

"Wheezy." Kenneth smiled, draping his arm around Eloise's shoulder as he took a seat next to her. Eloise hummed, making her smile while reopening her novel.

"Kenny?" Eloise closed her book once more as he poked her cheek annoyingly. 

"Potions essay?" Kenneth batted his eyelashes, his smile wide and hopeful.

Eloise rolled her eyes, flicking his nose. "You could have just said no." Kenneth frowned, rubbing his nose.

"Have you heard from Harry or the others? I want to speak to Harry, but I don't think he wants to hear my opinion on... the tournament." Eloise frowned, changing the subject while she leaned on Kenneth. 

She just wanted Harry to feel encouraged by this disaster that was him participating in the tournament, but it seems like he wants to be alone at the moment.

"Look, It's the second gryffindor champion!" Fred clapped loudly, making the group turn to the stairway.

Angelina Johnson was walking down the stairs from her dorm, Katie Bell right behind her with an annoying smile on her face.

"Shut it, Fred." Angie smiled, slightly embarrassed. In all honesty, Angilenia had no intention of putting her name in the goblet. It was Fred who had convinced her.

"And to think. You weren't going to put your name in." Fred kissed her cheek, making her grin while dramatically sticking out her tongue.

"Not sure if I'm happy about it yet. I still can't believe it." She plopped down next to Katie on the floor, their backs to the fire. Fred smiled as Angelina ushered him over, slumping down next to Angie, he placed his head down on her lap.

"What do you mean?" Katie asked, leaning back on her hands.

"Not really sure, something is definitely wrong with this tournament but I can't put my finger on it. Those Beauxbatons look like they're going to eat me alive no doubt." Angelina shivered, making Fred laugh from his spot.

"Beauxbatons chicks... right George?" Lee smiled dreamily, taking a seat between George and Kenneth.

"What about them?" George asked, crossing his leg over the other. He glanced at Eloise, her head leaning on Kenneth's while his arm was over her shoulder. He smiled at her, his girl. He honestly didn't think about the foreign girls that inhabited Hogwarts this term, he had Eloise and that's all he has ever wanted.

"What do you MEAN 'What about them?'" Kenneth gasped, turning to George. Making Eloise lift her head from his shoulder. She looked at George curiously, wondering what he had to say.

"God what I would do if they would notice me." Lee looked at the fireplace, his eyes looking distant and slightly sad.

"Jesus." Kenneth shoved Lee, getting him out of his trance.

"I mean, yeah. They're easy on the eyes. Wouldn't mind getting to know a few of them." George smirked lazily, winking at his friends. He wasn't trying to make Eloise angry, he was just messing around to see her reaction. 

Eloise scoffed playfully, making Kenneth smirk down at her.

"What about you Eloise? The Durmstrang boys." Fred turned his head from Angelina's lap, glancing at George to see his reaction.

Eloise ignored George's curious stare, meeting Fred's eye.

Eloise hummed, her fingers played with the ends of her hair. "Easy on the eyes." Eloise stood, making Kenneth's arm drop. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she smiled lightly before making her way to the portrait hole.

"Where are you going?" George asked curiously as he sat on the couch, a spark of jealousy running through his veins.

"Thinking about going and introducing myself to one or two of those Durmstrang boys." Eloise smiled, amused by George's facial expression. She knew it was easy for George to get jealous, but then again he started it.

Kenneth clapped, while Lee whistled with his fingers.

"I've got to go find Harry, see you later." She said over her shoulder, stepping out the door.

George knew she was kidding, but he couldn't help the ache in his stomach that she somehow did like the Durmstrang boys better than himself. 

Watching Eloise step out of the portrait made George's stomach suddenly feel queasy. Ignoring the feeling, he went back to the usual banter with his friends. 

If only he knew what the future held for his Eloise, he would have stopped her from leaving that very moment. 

with love, george |g. weasley|Where stories live. Discover now