13: Backdoor

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Asian POV

I was in Atlanta about to link with kayla and her friends. I don't really like hanging around anybody but i did just because ion wanna be the lame person. Me and von was kinda on good terms but we wasn't. I was supposed to meet up with him later today cause supposedly he wanted to 'talk' .

Everything being going smooth today no fu shit going. JuJu went back home today cause she's about to open up a business soon and im really so excited for her. I mean like all my friends atleast gotta have a side hustle, i can't have no lazy bitches around me-

I was cut off by a horn being blowed at me and i realized that the light was green and i was holding up semi traffic.

" damn how the fuck i let that happened " i thought

"His ass still ain't have to blow that horn at me" I said to myself

I finally made it to kayla condo and damn was it a lot of people innat bitch. Ion even play like that. But oh well let's see how this finna go.

I knocked on the door and a light skin girl opened the door. She was wearing a grey dress. I walked in and she smiled showing her pretty teeth.

"You asian right" she said

"Yea who you" I asked

"I'm kris I be seeing you on instagram and shit you rap right" she said

"Yea fasho" i said looking around at everybody

"You pretty as hell in person" Kris said

"Thank you " I said

"Bout time yo came bitch" Kayla walked in and said "where you been" she added.

"Stuck in traffic...literally" I said laughing just thinking about it.

"Y'all come in here where everybody else at" Kayla said .

Me and Kris followed behind kayla in the room where everybody else was.

I walked into the kitchen sitting my things on the counter. Then walking back into the living room to kick it.

(y'all remember 2 chapters ago von and kris met at a club and then linked afterwards and asian couldn't figure out who the girl was well let the drama begin)


Soulties, Love Dies (King Von x Asian Doll) Editing 2024Where stories live. Discover now