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A blaring ringtone is what awakens you. Someone's calling. Still drunk on sleep, you push yourself up, only to realize that you've been using Jeongguk's naked chest as a pillow. Luckily, he's still asleep, so you hope he never noticed.

It turns out that it's Yuna who's calling you. It's three a.m., she's drunk off her ass and has no safe way of coming home. Immediately, you start getting dressed, yawning multiple times as you slide the same pair of jeans back on.

"Jeongguk?" you stand at the edge of the bed, hand reaching out for his that's nearly falling off the mattress.


"I'm gonna go and get Yuna, so you know."

"What?" he rasps drowsily, eyes still mostly shut. "How?"

"Uh, I'll walk. Takes like five minutes. But she's drunk, so I don't want her to walk by herself."

"I'll come," he says, sitting up. It's adorable how every strand of his hair seems to go in a different direction—except for one third that's completely flat against his head.

You reach a hand out to try and push some of it down. "No, it's okay. Go back to sleep."

"No." He shakes his head stubbornly, swinging his legs over the edge, and rubbing his puffy eyes. "You're being a hypocrite. You won't let your friend walk alone, but somehow you expect me to? How do you think I'd feel if something happened to you while I'm here, sleeping?"

"Fine. Get dressed, then."

With that, you leave the room to allow him some privacy. You need a glass of water anyway.

However, Jeongguk doesn't understand that he's supposed to put his clothes on and then follow you. Instead, he quickly puts his own jeans on, appearing in the kitchen while you're lifting the glass to your lips, jeans unbuttoned, belt unbuckled, and with his shirt and socks in hand.

Of course, he starts with the socks. And you watch him, sleepy brain unable to register it until he straightens up and catches your gaze with a growing smirk of his.

"Enjoying the view?" There's no shame in his words or stance as he buttons his jeans and buckles the belt, a sliver of the dark underwear's waistband still visible above. He knows.

Warmth blooms from your chest and up when you meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry. You just..."

"I just what?" He steps closer, amusement increasing as you lean back against the counter, glass of water tightly grasped in hand.

Sometimes, he does these things. Not often, but sometimes. He likes to fuck with you and thinks he can by flustering you.

You swallow before tilting your head slightly. "You look cozy. Your skin is the exact same shade as warmth, and it makes me want to..." Your free hand reaches out to make grabbing motions.

"You want to... what? Touch? Is that it?"

With a few more steps, Jeongguk's within reach, peering down at you curiously as if to see what you'll do. He's made it perfectly clear that he doesn't like the kind of touches you do, but this seems like an exception. Just like in bed.

He watches your hand hesitantly come to rest against his shoulder. Some sort of tension builds, and Jeongguk raises an eyebrow, clearly expecting you to feel up his stomach. That's what girls find attractive anyway, right? With the encouraging smug smile of his, you start tracing it downward, brushing his soft skin. You were right; he is warm.

"A shame you're not into cuddling; you're perfect snuggle material."

Your hand glides down his peck, but instead of continuing further down to caress his stomach and his very visible abdominal muscles, you hastily venture to the left and tickle his side.

Evolution of a lover's heart | jjkWhere stories live. Discover now