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You still call them date nights even though you're living together and have been a couple for almost four years. They happen with varying frequency, sometimes you settle for movie nights every other day for two weeks straight, and other times, you splurge and go out to dinner multiple times a week.

Tonight, Jeongguk surprised you with a fancier dinner at home, a thing he's done now and again. You're always smiling from ear to ear whenever you get to spend time with him, and it's certainly no different when he's cooked and set the table with candles.

"So, he wants you to do an extra shoot then?" you ask, taking another bite from your fork.

"Yeah. Said he'd be in touch soon to book," Jeongguk answers from the sink where he's opening another bottle of wine. He's wearing a dark blue dress shirt, tucked into black slacks, the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone. He never stops to take your breath away.

"That's great, Gguk."

"Mhm. You want some?" he comes to stand beside you, holding the bottle over your nearly empty glass.


You watch the red liquid be poured into the glass, and then as Jeongguk places the bottle on the table.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something," he says.

You swallow the food in your mouth, about to reach for the glass, "Sure, go ahead."

"Will you marry me?"

You stop breathing. When you turn your head, Jeongguk is sinking to one knee and opening a small, black box you didn't know he was holding.

At first, you're speechless. Marriage is one thing you haven't talked very much about, especially after becoming what you'd call 'stable.' You just always assumed he didn't want to, that the thought only brought him anxiety, and as long as you got him, it didn't matter to you.

"Gguk, you know I love you–"

"–But?" he continues nervously, "...Don't tell me you were gonna break up with me? Cause that would be awkward."

It's the sad and heartbreaking chuckle he lets out that snaps you out of it. "No, no, of course not! I love you, and I want nothing more than this and you, but we don't need the rings and the documents for that, you know? You don't have to do that for me, okay?"

"But I want to. I really do," he assures, his confidence returning slowly but surely.

"Are you sure?"

"Incredibly. So... will you?"

Your eyes fall from his to the velvet box in his hand. "Oh, love. Of course."

With his smile growing, he takes the ring out and with his other hand, grasps yours to slide it onto your ring finger.

Maybe surprisingly, or maybe not, the only tear in the room trickles down your cheek.

"So, we're getting married?" he asks, sounding happy yet in disbelief.

"Yeah. I mean, you proposed, didn't you?"

"And you said 'yes?'"

"Then... yeah?"

Overcome with joy and love, you surprise him by throwing yourself at him, and he laughs as he falls to his butt, his hand shooting out to hold your back protectively. You end up on his lap with your forehead against his when you remember that you didn't even stop to look at the ring.

"This is lovely," you gasp, admiring the thin, silver band adorned with a small, pale blue teardrop in the middle.

"You like it?"

"Of course, I–I couldn't have picked out anything better, myself. It's like... like a little..."

"Forget-me-not?" he finishes for you.

"Yes. I love it. But, Gguk... it must've cost a fortune, please tell me it didn't?"

He grins, "It didn't."

You narrow your eyes at him, "Are you lying?"

"No. It didn't cost much, cause... well, I made it."


"Yeah. I mean, I had to pay for the material, of course, and I paid my uncle to help me, not because he required it, but because I wanted to."

The blue stone glimmers under your gaze. Sure, you knew Jeongguk was handy, even having been taught some carpentry by his uncle when he was younger, but this?

"Jeongguk, you made this?"


"For me?"

He strokes your back fondly, "Yeah."

"Wow," you gush dreamily, admiring it from every angle. "I don't even know what to say."

"You appear very happy for someone who said marriage wasn't important," he teases, and you look down at him with all the love you hold for him.

"I wouldn't have minded if we didn't, but I love it now that it's happening. And I love you, that you did all this," you hold your hand up, "and that you want to be with me like I want to be with you."

Evolution of a lover's heart | jjkWhere stories live. Discover now