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Everyone stood up to look over at Hotch, "Okay Get your go bags, wheels up in 15"

Y/n Pov

As everyone filled out of the conference room, I made my way out to the parking lot to grab a go-bag that I always had in the trunk. Once gathering everything else i needed, I made my way over to where the jet was.

I walked up the stairs into the jet, I looked over to see everyone there but JJ. Morgan smiled my way, "Hey princess just take a seat anywhere we got a 2-hour flight ahead of us." I smiled over to him now knowing how to feel about that new found nickname and walked over to a seat with a table. JJ soon entered after be and sat with Morgan, Reid had his head stuck in a book, then there was Hotch and Gideon who were just talking about i don't even know.

Everyone put on their seat belts as the plane began to take off, I really never like planes but i also didn't hate them. I started to zone out but then remember what I packed last minute, I grabbed my go-bag and pulled out a book "Schliemann Defense" By Leonid Shamkovich.

I wasn't the biggest fan of chess just I still like to play from time to time, the book was from a coworker for my going away party. I didn't know anyone on a friend-type basis at work but it still was nice of them. I pulled myself out of my thoughts then opened the book and began to read.

"Do you play?" Someone said which made me quickly look over to Reid who was looking back at me, "oh um yeah I play but only sometimes," I smiled. I looked over as he hesitated on his next words, "Do you want to play? we have a long ride ahead of us."

"I- Oh Okay sure? " I said as Redi quickly made his way over to his go bag and pulled out a chess set. "Do you take a chess set everywhere with you?" I chuckled. He laughed slightly in response as he sat down across from me. "Yeah, sometimes A friend and I would play or I would play myself, passes time." I nodded and helped him set up the board.

"Do you have a preference of black or white?" he asked. "Nope." he grabbed two pieces and moved them behind his back and brought forward his two clenched fists. I thought for a second and pointed to the right fist. he opens his hand to show a black knight.

"Okay, so I'm back your white." I looked over at Reid as he fixed the bored, he reached over and made the first move. I looked at the board for a second then reached over to move one of my pawns, we went back and forth moving pieces along the board for the next 6 minutes. The team was glancing over at the two of us from time to time, but now i felt all their eyes on me as I scanned the board.

I looked up at Reid to see him smiling down at the pieces, I reached over and pulled my knight forward and smiled as I watched his expression change quickly. Reid moved a pawn, i moved rook, bishop, knight, king, king, pawn and there we were. I looked over to a stunned Reid, he reached over and placed his queen down on its side. I won.

"I um.... good game," he said looking over to me, I chuckled lightly. "Good game." I sat up and moved over to another seat with my book. "Dam girl, you left pretty boy speechless," Morgan said looking over to me smiling. I looked over to see Reid who was still starring at the board, I laughed lightly and went back to reading my book.

Third Person

After the plane landed, everyone grabbed their things and headed over to the vehicles that were waiting there. The cars took off and headed over to the station, the cars parked and everyone made their way towards the doors. Hotch walked up to the desk and flashed his badge, he glanced behind and everyone did the same thing.

The lady nodded and unlocked the door that leads to the office room, the group made their way past everyone and towards the room they were given. Hotch walked in the room last with a man beside him, "Hello everyone, Im Captian James Williams. Im the head of the station here, Im so glad you could help us out." One by one, everyone introduced themselves.

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