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"Is it alright if one of my friends comes along, he's lonely." Reid looked at me and made a face, "I'm not lonely" "sure more the merrier" Hailey said. "Alright we will see you guys there."


Reid's Pov

I watched as Y/n hang up the phone, "I'm not lonely." I said, In my defensive I choose to be alone then around people."You are are little lonely." Have replied smiling as we walked out of the museum .

"So what have you volunteered me to join?" I asked, I heard that she speaking ti someone named Hailey so I assumed it was her sister in law ... well I guess it would be x sister. She looked over at me, "dinner, Hailey and Jack are going to meet us at the place called Canteen. I went there a lot when I was in town to bistro then and Arron... well before the divorce."

I nodded and followed along, "well if we take a right here we can cut through this ally and get there faster." I spoke pointing over where the ally was. "Alright sounds good." She replied going the way I said.

"Sorry," I looked over to her, "why are you sorry?" I asked. "I kinda just made you come along. Without asking." "Oh don't worry about it, it's alright. Besides I don't mind at all, I need to get some more social skills Derek's been saying" I looked over hearing her laughter and smiled in return.


The two of us made it to the restaurant and I saw that Y/n stopped so I did aswell. "They aren't here yet so let's just wait outside" she said, "alright." We stood there for a few minutes talking about work and some of the Previous cases.

"Aunt Y/n" the two of us looked over to see Jack running over and Hailey following along. The boy quickly ran and jumped into Y/n, "hey buddy, oh my god you are so big how old are you like 15 now???" She asked smiling.

"No! I'm 3" he laughed hugging his aunt. She placed back down but the boy didn't unstick form her side. "Oh Spencer hello nice to see you again." Hailey spoke. I looked over and smiled, "you aswell." I said, "you know each other?" Y/n asked. "Yeah we have some family things with everyone on your guys team." Hailey said looking at me. "Yeah" I agreed.

I looked over to Y/n who nodded, "yeah family stuff.." she mumbled looking down to Jack. Her expression quickly changed and picked the boy back up. "So are you ready to eat??" She asked the boy, "yep." He responded.

We all headed inside, we chose a booth , jack and Hailey on one said sat then Y/n and I in the other. We ordered our drinks and sat waiting for them, "so I heard you were at a friends." Y/n said to Jack. "Yeah! Is was super fun." "Oh tell me all about it."

The two kept talking, I looked over to Y/No she seemed happy and smiling while talking to Jack. When around the jack it's probably the happiest I've seen her in the month in a half I've known her. I smiled softly and asked Hailey how she was holding up, she told me that she got a job and Jack was doing good in school aswell.

The Came along and gave us for drinks, we then ordered our food and continued talking. Mainly Y/n was the one speaking, I rembered back to her fight with Hotch. She said something about barely being able to see them. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to her blowing chocolate milk bubbles with Jack. I smiled softly and continued eating.

"I have to go to the washroom." Jack spoke up, "okay let's go."Hailey said getting out. "Oh no Hailey you been nothing non stop I can take him." Y/n said getting up. "Thanks" "no problem." She said talking Jack over to the washroom.

"So...." I looked over seeing Hailey talking to me. "Hm?" "So are you two friends orrr". "Oh no just friends." I quickly said.  Hailey nodded and looked over to where the two went. "It's nice to be able to see her more often, Jack missed her all the time." Hailey said. "Yeah other then work all she talks about is you guys mostly Jack." I said.

"Yeah,  she cares about him a lot... one of the reasons why I asked her to be jacks godmother." "My looked over to her, "hm I never knew that." I said soon seeing the two come back and sit down. We talked for a while longer while eating, once everyone was finished Y/n payed when tho Hailey in and insisted on spiting it. She payed anyways... we got ip grabbing our things. Y/n said her goodbyes and I said good bye aswell as we walked outside.


Y/n Pov

I walked out of the restaurant with Jack close to me, "okay buddy I have to go now." "Noo" he replied. I got done to his height, "how about this, if you are good for your mom this week and if it's okay with her. You can come over to my place for a sleepover ?" "Yes yes, okay" he said in a happy tone. "Okay only if you are good." I said giving him one more big hug. "I'll see you next weekend." I said giving him one more goodbye.

Reid and I started to walk away, I looked k er to him who was seemed to be zooned out. " hello Spencer ??" "Huh?" He looked over at me which made me laugh, "did you have a good time?" I asked "oh yeah it was nice" he said. "You seemed like you enjoyed it too." I nodded. "Yeah I needed that... sorry for dragging you along..." "I said it was fine." He spoke. "

Yeah, it was just the first dinner I had with them without Arron." I said looking at him. "So you just needed someone there." He said, I agreed. "You know you could just ask and not say I'm lonely." "Well you are lonely it was just another reason to pull you along." I said smiling.

"I never had many friends gorkwibg up and now even ... but you can always go to them if you need anything so I'm always here." Reid said to me. "Thank you." I smiled as we headed back to our apartments. Mine was the closest so I waved Reid off as he walked off to his building.

I made my way inside and entered my apartment. I started to put my things away and have a shower, after I got out and put some pyjamas on and sat in the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, Foyets face was on the screen as the talked about in investigation on him. I sighed and tuned the tv off.

I got up and was about to walk into my bed room when I saw a muddy foot print on the floor, "did I get mug on my shoes again." I groaned cleaning it up. I made my way to my room and laid down going to sleep. I hope we are able to get Foyet before something worse happens.


Please comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

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