Chapter 12

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Gilly's P.O.V.

Alrighty, second day of school; Done.
Time for detention. But that's on me for falling asleep in class, but I was tired! Whatever...

"Hello Gillian!" Madam Cleo says as I walk into the room. "Hey, call me Gilly. Remember?"

"Right, silly me! We're not doing anything, just work on some homework and then you'll be free to go!"

I nod and walk over to a desk, I'm the only one here. Nice. I pull out my binder and take out my homework. It's just simple stuff, so that's good. 

I mutter the answers to my homework as I write them down, and before I know it, it's time for me to leave. "Gilly, you're free to go now. I'll see you in class tomorrow!"

"Of course, see you tomorrow!" I call as I run out of the room. Is that who I think it is?
Looks like it.


The figure turns to reveal two sparkly, violet eyes and a smile. He waves back at  me. I run up to where he's standing, "Hey Jax. I thought you would've left by now." I say once I reach him.

He sheepishly laughs and says "Well... I stayed to help set the library up, so now I'm waiting for my sister. She should be here soon."

I smile and respond "I'll wait with you."

"Thanks, I'd, I'd really like that."

Jax's P.O.V.

Gilly and I wait for my sister and time decides to be mean and go by slowly. Why am I so awkward?! I'm now mentally bashing myself. :')

"So... What's up?" Gilly asks.

"Oh! Nothing much, what about you?"

"Meh, could be better, could be worse. But, I wanna get to know you. So, talk!"

Well then, very straightforward. I awkwardly clear my throat sand begin, "Well, I'm Jax Porter. My family has lived just about all over the world, by my family I mean, my dad and older sister; Raz. My mom stayed in one place, but we visit her. As I told you earlier, I like writing music, I have a dog named Prince... Uhhhh, oh! My favorite color is teal and I tend to geek out on things. I also went to border school at one point."

Gilly seems to be processing what I just said, "Cool, so, I'm guessing it's my turn."

I nod, "What about you?"

Gilly laughs, "Well, I'm Gillian Cobbler, but I go by Gilly. I'm the oldest of six, the biggest age gap is 10 years. I do dance, I love karaoke, musicals are my best friends- Don't tell Kayla I said that! I have a complicated past, but it's currently getting fixed. I have a pet mouse, Wilson!" Gilly then pulls out a small, brown mouse out of her hoodie's pocket, "As you can tell, he goes everywhere with me. Uhhh... That's all I can say for now, you just need to unlock my tragic backstory, then you'll know everything!"

We laugh at her last comment. I then hear a car honk, I look up to see Raz pulled up at the curb. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" she says rolling down her window. I laugh and get up, before I get in the car, I turn and look at Gilly, "Can we give you a ride?"

Gilly's P.O.V.

"Can we give you a ride?" I hear Jax ask, I stand up and reply, "Sure."

I put Wilson in my pocket and send a quick text to my mom.

~Gilly's Phone~

Contact: Momma 💖

Gilly🤪 is tYpInG...
 Getting a ride with a friend, see u soon ❤🤠

Momma 💖 is tYpInG...
Okay! Thanks for letting me know this time 😂😘
See you soon baby, your siblings miss you!

Gilly🤪 is tYpInG...
Lmao, ok mom!
Love you lots 💖 

Momma 💖 is tYpInG...
Love you more💗 

~In Real Life~

Gilly's P.O.V.

"Sweet, what's your address?" Raz asks as she wave at me. "I wave back and respond, "You know that shoe store? 'Cobbler's Shoes? That's my stop!"

"I love that store! Everyone is so nice!" Raz exclaims.

"Wow, you shop a lot. We've been here a week!" Jax says to his sister, she scoffs and Jax and I laugh.

(A/N: PLEASE LOOK AT THIS!!! I really want someone's opinion.

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