Chapter 18

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Gilly's P.O.V.

I'm tired.

Really, really tired.

I tried sleeping earlier, but then I?? Didn't???

But now I've decided that sleep is important, a few nights ago I was like "Sleep is for the weak ahahahah!!!!"

But now, now I wanna sleep.

The world is kind of blurry and my speech is slurred. Oh boy, am I gonna pass out?

Everything goes black, guess so.

Eva Cobbler's P.O.V.

I'm driving Gilly and I home, them I hear the smack of something hitting the dashboard. I quickly turn my head and see Gilly passed out, she slides towards the door. I gasp in shock.

"Gilly!" I call out, I can't give her all my attention as I'm on the road, I get no response.

What do I do?? I can't just stop!

I use my right hand to nudge her, making sure I was still paying attention to the road. No response again. This, this is not ideal.

I reach a red light and take the opportunity to lean Gilly back in her seat, I call her name out one more time. Silence.

I call her dad, "Hello?"

"Hal, Gilly's passed out!"


"She was exhausted, she's probably sleeping."

"We don't know that. Just..." he pauses. "Just take her home, I'll help you put her in her room."

"Okay, I'll be home in a bit, love you."

"Love you too."

Time Skip; 10 minutes

I park in our driveway and I see Hal waiting by the mailbox.

He walks to the car and opens the passenger door. He unbuckles Gilly's seatbelt and picks her up like a ragdoll. I grab her duffle bag.

We put her and her stuff in her room and walk out.

Gilly's P.O.V.

I'm in my bed. Huh?

I slowly sit up, last thing I remember is sitting in the car, struggling to stay awake. I bet I scared my mom. I'm gonna go scare her some more.

I get out of my bed, stumbling a little bit. I head downstair, looking confused and scared.


I turn around slowly. "W-who are you? Where am I? Who am I, and who's Gilly?" I ask, I know that I'm Gilly, and I'm at my house.

My mom gasps, her hand flies to her face.


She immediately drops her hand and frowns, "Gilly, you had me worried sick," Mom rushes up to me, "are you okay? What happened?"

She pats my forehead, there's a red bump from where I hit my head on the dashboard.

"I'm fine, I guess I was really tired. I might have overworked myself, I've also been struggling to fall asleep, so I could be better if I'm being honest."

"Gilly..." The way she says my name reminds me of when I was younger, I would be sitting outside and refuse to go inside for dinner, she would use a certain tone of voice and you knew you would get in trouble if you didn't do as told.

I hug her, "I'm fine, Mom."

She hugs me back, "I know, but you need to take better care of yourself, this can't turn into a normal thing."

I pull away, "Yeah, yeah... But, what's for dinner?"

"Gilly!" she lightly smacks my arm in a teasing manner. I smile at her, she smiles back.

It's moments like this that I enjoy having my family.

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