Chapter 25

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Gilly's P.O.V.

I don't really know how I got roped into going to the fair, I just know it has something to do with Ollie blowing up my phone.

"Okay! So are we all here?" Ollie asks.

He does a head count, "Kayla, Gilly," There's a smug look when he says my name, he knows I didn't wanna come, I glare at him. "Maxine, AG, Jax, and no sign of Jocelyn. AG are you sure she said she would come?"

"Yes! She promised, maybe she's running late."

"That better be the case, the lines to the rides are only gonna get longer."

AG huffs and pulls out her phone. I watch as she types frantically, poor girl.

I've been to this fair before, it's nice I guess. There's a bunch of different rides, even a ferris wheel, there's a petting zoo, and a game area. We used to come here a lot when I was a kid, but we all grew out of it and the ticket prices were only getting higher. I have no idea how Ollie got them, I just hope he didn't steal them.

I watch as Jax talks with Kayla, they're both emerged in the conversation. I hear mentions of a show and a band. Ollie nudges me with a suggestive look on his face. I grimace, "Ugh, stop! You're so annoying!" I whine as I try to get away from him. He follows, "C'mon, Gilly! Just admit it, you're practically yearning  for him!"

"Oh my gosh, no. Who even uses the word 'yearning', you're so weird."

Ollie starts poking me, "C'mon! You like him don't you! I know you do!"

I try to swat his hands away while I feel my face heat up. This is so stupid. I think to myself. "I haven't even known him for six months! What are you on about?"

"But you didn't deny it-"

"For crying out loud, Ollie, I don't have a crush on him!"

"A crush on who? Do you like someone?" a voice pops up from behind me. I swirl around only to be met with Jax's face. He tilts his head and smiles, "Are we gossiping? I wanna know too!" His eyes sparkle with curiosity, he's like the cutest thing ever. What? Oh my gosh, I'm screwed. Wait. No, what am I even talking about? I must be going insane. The voices!

A hand gets waved in my face. I snap out of my trance, "Hmm? I'm sorry, what?"

"You were gonna tell me about this secret crush you have!" Jax replies, I turn to look back at Ollie, he has the most shit eating grin I've ever seen plastered on his face. I'm going to kill him.

"There's no crush, it was just Ollie being a complete dumb, stupid, short, loser, idiot! As per usual." I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh... That's boring, but if you like anyone you should tell me! My friends like to tell me I'm a great wingman!"

I smile at him, "You're funny, I'll keep that in mind." His smile grows and Kayla clears her throat. "AG managed to find Jocelyn while you guys were talking about whatever it was that you were talking about. She's gonna meet us by the food stands." I watch as she takes Ollie's hand and begin to head in the direction of the stands. The rest of us start to follow.

I can only think about how crazy this day is gonna get. Ollie's gonna have a field day and I'm going to want to die. This is gonna be so fun!

(A/N: hey guys 😍 ik it's been like 6 months but just ignore that lols)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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