.." I Was Left "..

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" Father. "

My dad looked down at me,

" What? "

" Where are we going? " I said, anxiously walking beside him.

He gives me a weak smile. " Use your imagination and think of the wildest place. "

" Okay! " I obeyed my father's orders as I thought about the zoo with multi-coloured animals, a beach with green water and orange sand, and I laughed when I thought of a gigantic burrito inside a hotel.

After a couple minutes, we stopped at a large, gray building in the woods. It looked rather.. dull than I was expecting.

" If anyone comes up to you and asks for you to follow them, do as they say, okay? "

I nod in reply.

" Good. Now, I have to go somewhere, I'll be busy. "

" Will.. Will you come back? "

" Don't worry, I'll come back. "

I smile as I trusted his words, I see him walk away in the depths of the trees. I silently wait patiently, getting anxious and startled from time to time. I hear rustling which makes me flinch. I see a woman in a white coat looking at me.

The woman was a brunette with blue eyes, pale skin, and her hair was in a bun. She walks up to me with a smile and crouches a bit to see eye level.

" Are you.. Darryl ¤°▪@♧₩^? "

" Y-Yes. "

The woman smiles and gently holds my hand and slightly tugs, signaling to walk with her.

" My name is Lizius Minsdie, but you can call me Ms. Min. "

" Hello, Ms. Min. "

Ms. Min leads us inside the building, as soon as we get inside all the walls were dull. Which confuses me. We walk into a hallway and I see many iron doors, following it were a few mumbles. The brunette woman stops and presses a button which opens one of the iron doors revealing an empty room with white walls.

She tells me to go inside, so I do. When I stepped in I took in my surroundings until hearing a loud slam. I turn behind me seeing the door closed and I quickly went into panick mode. I learned that iron doors are hard to open by themselves and I knew I was trapped. I tried my hardest to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

Tears started pricking in the corner of my eyes, threatening to fall. I run to a corner in the room, sat down, put my knees to my chest, and cried. It felt like I cried for hours. Thoughts were running through my head,

" Where am I? "
" Where's father? "
" Why am I here? "
" I'm scared.. "
" I wanna be let go."

" Let me go. "

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