𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦 》5

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AFTER THE STREAM, LIFE HONESTLY WENT BACK TO NORMAL. though calypso wasn't used to seeing fanart of herself everytime she opened twitter.

of course, it wasn't accurate. really, she was depicted as almost anything but herself. in one of her favorite pieces, she was shown next to tommy; and it made her think about the possibilities.

maybe one day, she'd get to stand next to him like in that picture. but for now, they're just friends who have never met, and who knows? maybe they never will.

the hum of the garage door opening shook cal out of her thoughts, and she stepped out of her room into the empty halls.

calypso had two sisters, but they'd already moved out, leaving her practically alone in the large house that she never understood. maybe if her dad was home more often, she wouldn't feel that sinking feeling of loneliness in her stomach everytime she went for a snack, or walked past all the rooms that no one ever goes in.

but alas, she always considered giselle as closer family than them anyway.

cal hopped down the steps, taking them two at a time, careful to avoid slipping. she turned on her heel, making her way through all the unnecessary space in her house.

god, she had never really realized how much space their was until there was no one to fill it in. there wasn't her mother's singing voice, or her siblings laughter, and there wasn't often the familiar goofy jokes of her fathers either.

and ever since her mother died, the jumble of her life became nothing but the thing she hated most; uncertainties. she never knew what was happening anymore, and everything seemed to be a maybe.

maybe i'll get out of bed tomorrow morning, but maybe i wont, she thought. and maybe, ill cut off all my ties so my friends won't have to deal with the burden that is me anymore, but maybe, just maybe i'll stick around.

all her life, calypso's been running from uncertainties, from her problems, and yet she still seems to be running in circles, always ending up back at square one.

the echoes of her footsteps ring through the halls, reminding her of the empty space. calypso had never realized how alone she could be until everyone seemed to leave. but maybe, just maybe, she was better off that way.

"hey cal, sorry i wasn't home earlier, i got caught up at work. y'know, business stops for no one!" calypso's dad walks in, once again breaking her cycle of thoughts.

she just smiles. "it's fine dad. we can still get dinner though, right?" cal looked up at her father, who was only a smidge taller than her, as she stood at five foot seven, but when she looked him in the eye, her face already fell, disappointed.

"i'm sorry boss, ive got a project to finish tonight," he says, messing up her hair as he walks past her. "order something, you can get whatever. i ate a bit at work."

calypso watches as he walks away, and although he was just going upstairs to his office, it felt like he was leaving for good.

cal has gotten everything she ever wanted in life, and so as she stands there, watching her only parent left walk away, she can't help but feel guilty for feeling so alone.



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hi guys! sorry for the shorter chapter,
i wrote this as more of a filler and
a bit of a backstory on calypso
and her feelings.
remember to take care of yourself guys :)

tout mon amour,

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