Chapter 7

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Everyone had gathered at the training grounds to be briefed on the mission by Kakashi who was currently running late.

(Naruto POV)
"What do you think Kakashi - Sensei's excuse will be this time, I was helping an old lady with her groceries or some other nonsense." Naruto said as all the rest of team 7 looked annoyed. All of the others just looked at them, to see Kakashi was always like this with his team.

"You know he does this on purpose right?" Asuma asked as the members of team 7 turned their heads in his direction so quickly he feared they may have given themselves whiplash.

"Asuma don't tell them that." Kurenai said as she kicked her boyfriend in the shin.

"What why would he do that?" Sakura yelled so loudly that some of students flinched at the sound of her voice.

"It's not our place to tell you, you're going to have to ask Kakashi." Kurenai said stepping in as she placed a hand on Asuma's shoulder who was still rubbing his hurt shin.

"Kakashi - Sensei won't tell us he doesn't tell us anything." Naruto ranted then he stopped to think for a minute turning to Sasuke and Sakura. "What do  we even know about Kakashi - Sensei?" Naruto asked.

"Not much." Sasuke said as he kept his carefree appearance up as he leant against a tree. After hearing that both Naruto and Sakura's expressions fell as they realized what Sasuke said was true, Sasuke was also a bit upset that they didn't know much about Kakashi, but he could let the others know it so he kept his facade up.

The others noticed their disappointment, Kurenai tried her best to raise their spirits. "You guys shouldn't take it personally, that's just how Kakashi's been for a long time." Kurenai said trying to cheer them up.

"Has Kakashi always been like this?" Sasuke asked surprising everyone that he was interested. "Not always, but it's not our place to tell you." Kurenai said picking her words carefully. Naruto groaned in frustration from not getting any answers.

"Look guys it's Kakashi's story to tell, he may tell you one day, but he doesn't like to share a lot of stuff." Asuma said as he tried to wrap up the topic as the students understood what he was trying to do they moved onto a different topic as the students from the other teams began to talk to the members of team 7 to get their minds off of Kakashi.

Naruto then spoke up. "Is he like this because his teammates died?" Naruto asked.

As Naruto asked this everyone froze Jiraiya, Kurenai, Asuma, Guy and Yamato looking at him with wide eyes surprised that he knew. Both Sasuke and Sakura groaned as the others looked confused.

"You idiot, why did you say that." Sakura yelled as she punched him sending him flying.

"We'll get him." Sakura said as she and Sasuke went to retrieve Naruto.

The others turned to the adults. "Kakashi - Sensei's former teammates died?" Ino asked looking at the adults.

"Yes they did." Kurenai said quietly as the other adults looked pained recalling the events.

"So that's why we're on this mission." Gaara said as the others looked at him.

"Naruto said the mission was personal to him, I'm assuming the Akatsuki took their bodies am I right?" Gaara asked as they nodded confirming it.

"Just don't bring it up, it really pains Kakashi to remember the past." Guy said in a serious tone which took all the students by surprise.

After waiting for 15 minutes, they could finally see the silhouette of the copy ninja approaching. Kakashi made it to the training grounds about 3 minutes later. "Yo, what's up?" Kakashi greeted as he raised his hand for a little wave.

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