"Have you ever seen a doll in the woods?"
The story involds a young rag doll included a team of strong head rodents in an adventure in the cruel world.
story & Cover/ illustration belongs to : Fallendreamer26
Antoinette suddenly wake up from her long nap as she notice that she was tied up, behind her was a huge dead tree and a log laying beside her as a pillow with an old fabric covering it .
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"Where am i ?"
"You're at the neverwoods"
Before that she then saw a figure beside her a hooded man with a large black hat , wears some parts of silver Armors with a long tore dark navy blue fabric around him as a cloak , his face was hard to see by his looks he may have a role as a hunter that Antoinette heard onces from her parents and other residents duo to the fact he has a one or two weapons with him . At this point the two share a short staring contest but break down , ' Neverwoods? Are i am really at neverwoods right now?' She thought as antoinette decided to speak up to the person .
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"W-who are you?"
Nervous not from the first but to speak to a hunter for the first for antoinette to see and met one.
The 'hunter' didnt respond but before she could change the subject they both heard coming torwards them at first antoinette just notices that she and the hunter were they are at the middle of neverwoods but not just that other twos figure arrive with a bird cage . One was other man with a handsome looks wores a fresh green hood cape that covers his dark silver hair and has a archer Outfit and has sword and arrows , Behind the man is a danny looking fellow wores a armor around his entire body like the others he wears a ruby red fabric around cover his body minus his legs and has a silver necklace with a small ruby gem . all three of them wore fabrics each color around there body as Right before antoinette could speak the green one came to her .
" Ah! I see you finally awake there miss!"
The man gave her a small smile as the red one went behind next to him at this point antoinette then notice the cage carry a bird , she then stare at it for a moment till a sudden flash came to her mind.
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. . .
"Help me!!!"
"Dont tell him , he is the one who prison me "
"Like I said I will explain everything later , Right now!...."
"Hold on tight!!"
"Go hide quick!"
She then remember that this is the bird that help her , at this she then notice one of the hunters or the one she saw earlier snap a finger in front of her .
"May i recall this 'is' your bird?"
Shocked she didnt know much about the bird nor its ability to tranform to much more bigger or even its power, she then came with an idea to save the bird so that non of them could harm it...
"Y-yes sir ! , this b-bird its mine!" Lying as she then gave a nervous grin to the mysterious men.
"Its a He, not an it "
Dumbfound She turn to see the man from earlier said as he rest his shoulder on the dead tree with his arms cross.
"R-Right... He! I mean-! H-He is mine!"
The two man look at eachother for a moment as they look at her with a smile at there face .
"Well here is your bird ! Miss?..."
"A-Ah! Antoinette!....my name is Antoinette"
"Well thats a lovely name you have there miss Antoinette !" The green one with the charming face smiled as Antoinette blush at his word, " by the way my name is Alain and this here beside me is Pascal !"
The man name 'Pascal' wave at antoinette without a word.
"Ah! My friend pascal here does'nt talk much actually"
Antoinette smiled at the two like a child that making new friends. But sadly fell when she notice her hands being tied up, Alain notice this and said "Ah! Sorry about that , its the boss's order"
"B-boss?" Antoinette question till the man pointed to the person she met earlier.
"Thats our leader , his name is Frei "
'Frei?' She thought as she then saw 'frei' walk up to them and suddenly cut the ropes at antoinette's hand almost gave her a heart attack.
"I change my mind "
Frei turn to antoinette as his face still hard to see but she knew he is glaring at her .
"You are caming with us "
She was sudden by the man's word as she sit there with confuse at her mind.
"W-Wait sir isn't that a bit to quick ?"
The man was silent but nodded by his comrade's Word , right before they speak a word the bird suddenly did a panic way that made all of them to look at him.
"By the way miss antoinette?" Said alain as he pointed to the bird .
"What is his name then?"
All man look at her waiting for her answer , she then look at the bird for a moment till a few second the bird nodded his head as he readed her mind.
"His name is...Darcy" antoinette smile proudly .
"Well thats a fine name it is right pascal?"
Pascal nodded as he gave the cage to antoinette small hands as frei look at her then at 'darcy' before he look up at the null sunset sky.
"Alright then , its getting dark soon we better start camping "
And with that he left with pascal leaving the three behind.
"We should continue this converstion later miss antoinette ..."
He then grab her hands as he grin at her.
"Lets head to camp then!"
Antoinette nod as she hold tight at the bird cage as she then start her truth adventure she truly dream of.