The Farmer's scarecrow

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At camp antoinette had finally in her whole life got friends and started to have a great bond with 'da rodents hunt ' a hunting pack that Alain jokely came up with made her confuse about questionably ask its origin right before alain said till he was knock by the head by non other than there leader frei even there mysterious leader she never get the chances to see his appearance but failed by the clothing he wears that she even ask alain and pascal about it but they gave her no answers at all , they have some nice talks and fun with the moonlight shine above them as it means to them to rest .

All rest there heads off by sleeping on the natures green saying there goodnights while antoinette walk to the dead tree she once rest on , She then notice the bird cage with the bird now named 'darcy' prison at , She knows she lied to her 'new friends' about darcy if she did tell them who knows what they look back at the boys to make sure they are asleep as she kneed down to the cage and whisper

"Are you awake?"

With a few seconds darcy turns his head to face her as he reply


"W-well do you remember?"

Confusedly He then tilt his head

"Remember what?"

"E-Earlier with-h the ....r-rabbits?"

He then was shock by her word but slowly nodded

"Why did they prison you? , what do they want from me ?"

Darcy sigh he knew he needed to answer that question and with that he avoid making eye contact and said

"Those rabbits are hungry truth predator in this woods and they try to eat me, they normally ate food that are nuts, fruits and vegetables but suddenly attack other species that are meat..."

Darcy stop as he look at his feets , his right one was cover with dirt and the other was injurded with a lot of bruise . Antoinette gasp ast this as she open the cage and let darcy out as she tore the end of her dress as a bandage she gentle wrap it around the whole leg and she smiled at her work look at the surprised bird.

 Antoinette gasp ast this as she open the cage and let darcy out as she tore the end of her dress as a bandage she gentle wrap it around the whole leg and she smiled at her work look at the surprised bird

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"There its done"

Darcy then walk around for a moment then stop at her knees "Thank you , thank you for everything you did to me " , small tears form at his ruby eyes as he walk back to his cage as antoinette immediately remember something.

" by the way whats your name? , I-Its very rude of me to call you by wrong"

"A bird like myself have no name , but perhaps it was nice to have one" darcy look happer than before .

"Can you continue then?"

"Oh right, well at first that didnt except to them to show up but when its cames to lady they seriously needed one , one beautiful , kind and others things which is why i told you to run away."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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