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Rion's Point of View

I'm at Finneas and Claudia's house tonight because they invited me over for dinner. We had settled on vegan grilled cheese sandwiches with a side of tomato suauce, which just so happened to be one of Billie's favorite meals.

I couldn't help but think about one of our first nights hanging out since meeting at Coachella.
She had invited me to her childhood home, with was shared between her, Finneas (occasionally), and their parents Maggie and Patrick.

We had planned to have a sleepover and just watch movies all night, when Maggie asked us if we were hungry and she made her specialty and Finnes and Billie's favorite meal.

I remember us watching Bird Box in her dimmed red room, while eating grilled cheese and tomato soup, and homemade cinnamon rolls. Mama Maggie's food was to die for, and I'm not even vegan but that shit slapped!

I snapped back to reality and helped Finneas set the dining room table; as we set the table, the doorbell had rang. While Finneas went to answer the door, I continued humming to the sound of telepatía by Kali Uchis playing throughout the house.

I was taken aback by the presence of Billie walking inside, she was dressed head to toe in this cream colored Gucci fit, with a matching Gucci straw hat. She looked fine as hell, but I quickly looked away and bit my lip out of nervousness as I finished setting the table.

I figured Billie would be eating with us, so I set down another place mat, napkin, plate, and spoon. She greeted me by kissing me on the cheek and hugging me around my waist from behind, I lightly tapped her hands as a greeting. She then went over to Claudia and hugged her, before kicking her shoes off, and placing both her hat and jacket down on the couch.

Why was she acting so normal? Like nothing had taken place between us? I couldn't help but think what the fuck?

I shrugged it off and texted the groupchat for advice on what to do.


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bestie boos 🤎🔐>

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bestie boos 🤎🔐>

y'all ! billie is here !

chlo pooh 😍
did she speak to you?

slick rick 🥱

bro she kissed me on the cheek
and hugged me, as if nothing
fucking happened?

slick rick 🥱
wtf .. mm maybe she's waiting till
y'all are alone to speak to you about
it? 🙇🏾

chlo pooh 😍
yeah cause you guys really need
to talk this out 🥺

*sighhhh* ughh yeah i know 🙄😩

i'll keep y'all updated lol

slick rick 🥱
good luck boo 🤎

chlo pooh 😍
you got this ri 🤞🏽😘


After we ate Billie asked if we go out to the backyard to talk, which I hesitantly agreed to.

The backyard was lit up by all the hanging fairy lights, and a warm comforting vibe was provided by the lit fire pit out back. We sat next to eachother by the fire pit, and Billie let out a deep exhale before sincerely apologizing to me.

Of course I apologized back because I was a little harsh on her about the schoolboyQ incident, which she went on to tell me he hasn't grown out of his emotionally abusive ways. That led me to gloat about how I was right, but not in a vindictive manner, more as a joke that held truth behind it!

She pushed my shoulder lightly and told me to shut up, and without thinking I blurted put "make me!"
To which she responded to by grabbing my face and pulling it closer to hers, before smashing her soft plump lips onto my glossed up lips.

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