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Billie's Point of View

I let out a long stretched out sigh as I parked my all matte black dodge challenger, Dragon, in front of Rion's apartment. As I was putting my phone, keys, and wallet into my hoodie pocket my phone began buzzing like crazy.

When I looked down at my phone screen I almost threw it out the window, out of pure and livid anger. I was on TMZ because of the events that had raken place last night.

"Sources my ass" I grumbled to myself befor scoffing at the article. 'Sources' kept running through my brain; the only people that know about last night are Craig and Rion, and I know Rion would never say a word to the press. She hates them, as do I .. especially right now!

All of these thoughts replayed in my head and jumbled up, causing a mini tic attack. I quickly callesd Ri, seeing how I couldn't seem to find my smelling incents anywhere in my car or in my bag.

She answered on the second ring; I couldn't even form a proper sentence because of how in my head I was. I'm sure all she heard was me manage to say "I'm here" and "tic attack", through my shaky and panicking voice. Before I could try to say anything else she hung up, and I saw her flying down the steps to my car.

She opened the passenger door, and got in before handing me the smelling salts that she keeps in her apartment for emergencies. As I calmed down she rubbed my back, asked what was wrong and what triggered me— considering my freaked out state.

I handed her my phone that was still unlocked on the TMZ article that was just published, 'fuck I'm gonna be in huge trouble with my parents'
I thought to myself.



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Sources who would like remain anonymous have told our reporters that 19 year old-Grammy award winning artist, Billie Eilish, was seen leaving on-and-off  again best friend Rion Monet's apartment earlier this morning (around 8am) due to a quote on ...

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Sources who would like remain anonymous have told our reporters that 19 year old-Grammy award winning artist, Billie Eilish, was seen leaving on-and-off  again best friend Rion Monet's apartment earlier this morning (around 8am) due to a quote on quote "drunken night".

Accoring to a tweet sent out by friend Rion Monet, stating: "it's truly complicated— but when a friend is in need, no matter the circumstance .. you show tf up" — she was sharing little to no explanation regarding the situation, trying to keep it under wraps I assume.

Sources say the singer was indeed drinking under the legal age limit— but as far as who provided the alcohol to her, we were given no guesses as to who may have done that. Maybe the hit song Xanny from Eilish's 2019 album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP WHERE DO WE GO, was a foreshadowed type of ordeal. As seen in her documentary that released earlier this year, The World's A Little Blurry, her mother Maggie Baird appeared to raise awareness to the discussion of her one day quote on quote "f'ing up and making a mistake".

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Rion's Point of View

"Hmm so what do you say, shall we order vegan take-out, make icecream sundaes, and watch movies till you're ready to leave?"

A small smile appeared on her tear stained face as she looked at me, and nodded her head vigorously before letting out a small
"Hell yeeeeah!"

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