chapter 4

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(y/n) and the others found the other two androids and before he can even speak vageta came crashing to the mountain and 18 has decended.

Trunks: Father are you alright?!

Vageta: * in the mountain *did anyone get the number of that bitch!

18: 18!

Vageta: Thank you!

Trunks: Father we should run...

Vageta: and disrespect our saiyan heritage I'll teach this machine who's boss

17: and even if one of disturbs them i'll make sure your relationship with the ground will be intimate

Piccolo: we don't really want to help Vageta out except for his brother it's all up to him

18: oh yeah i forgot about the mini micro runt

(Y/n): *sigh*...i hate you with every fiber of my being

18: same here micro runt

(Y/n): will everyone excuse me i have to do something very quick

Gohani: where are you going?

(Y/n): i'm going to the mountains breathe some fresh air listen to the lovely silence and i'll be back here to beat the shit out of that android, i might as well watch some birds

16: can i come along with you

(Y/n): sure it will only just take a minutes worth for me to get my head back to the game *reach his hand out for 16* come on big guy let's enjoy nature while we still can

16: I'll be back

17: don't worry will be here until at car comes by

16: affirmative

(Instant transmission away)

18: well looks like 16 will be enjoying himself way more than i will

Vageta: come back here on fight me you smug cunt!

Everyone was at silence then Gohani kicked vegeta on the leg and 18 attack Vageta while the others watch in aw

Gohani: i can understand why (y/n) has a short temper it's because of vegeta's stupidity

17: I'm not going to touch that red flag

Piccolo: yeah it's best for us to stay quiet around her

Krillin: i do not want to die again

(Meanwhile with 16)

16: and that is why i want to kill son goku

(Y/n): well that is very reasonable he is a royal dumbass

16: do you also want to kill son goku?

(Y/n): nah i don't want to you can have him

16: thank you (See's bird on his head) i think i found a sparrow

(Y/n): what species of sparrow?

16: I think it's a house sparrow

(Y/n): i thought it was a cinnamon ibon?

16: it could be a possibility

(Y/n): want to head back?

16: I would love to stay here but my friends need me

(Y/n): good for you

(Back with the others)

Krillin: run away oh my god!

Female Gohan & Videl X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now