chapter 15

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It has been three months since y/n was trained by whis and he is giving y/n and vegeta a bunch of house work and some training exercise.

Whis: Now remember! To focus your power in one punch.

Y/n: That's easy for you to say.

Vegeta: Damnit! We can't hit you.

Whis: Of course you can't your letting all your energy come out. You must try and conceal your energy.

Y/n: okay Mr. sherlock how do we do that?

Whis: I don't know who's this sherlock person is but he seems to have the same level of intelligence as me. But sadly we must stop here i have a call from bulma and i want to have a taste of more earth food.

Y/n: Okay...Wait i need to go back a few months has already pass and i think bulma is pretty piss that i've been gone for more than a month by know.

Whis: If you wish to go back to earth then come with me.

Y/n: Okay. Looks like you'll get there before me. huh, Vegeta?

Vegeta: A step closer to becoming stronger than that idiot and i'm not stopping.

Y/n: Don't break anything while lord beerus is a sleep.

Vegeta: You know i'm not an idiot like Kakarot.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, well see ya next time.

Vegeta: Tell bulma to make me food once i'm done here.

Y/n: You really like to make her angry don't you?

Whis: Come on y/n were leaving know.

Y/n Coming!

And so y/n and Whis teleported back to earth were bulma was there waiting for whis.

Bulma: Hey Whis! Hey y/n! So you finished on your training?

Y/n: Yeah. So any new projects?

Bulma: Nope. Anyways you should see Videl and Gohani.

Y/n: Way ahead of you.

Whis: Good bye then.


Y/n: Hi videl.

Videl: Y/n! It's so good to see you!

Y/n: Yeah. And hello pan, gohan. It's me your daddy.

Videl: Looks like they're still confused or curious about you.

Y/n: Yeah but i'm back and i can't Wait to spend time with them.

Videl: I'm glad your back and i know your little friend miss me.

Y/n: Well it has been three months.

Videl: I'll call chi-chi to watch over gohan and pan while we spend some alone time~

Y/n: Looks like i need another batch of senzu beans again.

Videl: You shoould see were gohani is.

Y/n: I Will * energy sensing* ...looks like gohani is at capsule corp. strange i didn't sense her?

Videl: Maybe she got there.

Y/n: Yeah maybe your right. well i'll go to gohani know see you guys later.

Videl: By.

Y/n: I'll be back.


Chi-Chi: GOKU!!!

Y/n: What did that idiot do this time?

Gohani: He bolted towards whis and left and mom is angry.

Goten: Yeah. Glad your back Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah i'm glad to.


Gokus family: WHAT?!

Gohani: Y/n?! When did you got back?

Y/n: A few minutes ago.

Goten: But i didn't sense you being here.

Y/n: Wait really? Sorry force of habit.

Gohani: Wait i can sense your energy again.

Y/n: That was a part of my training at lord beerus world.

Goten and Trunks: Cool!!!

Y/n: Yeah. anyways i missed you sweetheart.

Gohani: I miss you to *Whispers* Daddy~

Goten: What happen big bro y/n looks red?

Trunks: Is he sick?

Bulma and Chi-Chi: *processing* *light bulb* You two can do it later after we get pan and gohan.

Trunks: Wait what's happening tomorrow?

Bulma: Were going to pick up your cousins tomorrow so gohani, your uncle and videl can have some alone time.

Goten: *confused look* Okay?

Y/n: Looks like i need  to get some senzu beans huh?

Gohani: You Know us to well.

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