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Hello everyone. So, I am really sorry for updating late. Because of the exams,this part  will be a flashback. Enjoy ************************** Flashback Naruto became Hokage after the war Finished about 10 months, during these months, a lot and a lot happened. Hinata trained hard, but not after the war ended as she didn't stop blaming herself for nejis death because of her weakness, but no one notice from her friends that they thought that she was still sad about Neji's death and let her take her time But during the 10 months, Hinata changed a lot.

During the 10 months, Kakashi the Hokage was still noticing Hinata's change, so Hinata's features began to change from gentle to cold, and he watched her and saw her training diligently.

Hinata knew that someone was watching her, but she remained silent. One day she said while she was training, "Get out, I know you are watching me." At that time, Kakashi went out, but was impressed by the way she spoke and her coldness, and the light of that coldness on her face and her cold voice, but he was trying very hard not to be know that he was watching her but he failed

when he went out and saw Hinata smiled at him "Oh, sorry, Hokage-sama, I didn't know you was the one really," she said, Kakashi replied, "No problem, what are you doing Hinata?" Hinata: I am training .
Kakashi: Aha, so then I wish you good luck
Hinata: Thank you.

Kakashi walked, but kept thinking about why Hinata was training with this effort and the villages in peace and continued to watch her during the other days, but more cautiously until that day
Hinata said with pain : Ahhhh
she was training On this getsu for 7 months after the war and she could not master this  technique after all this  time, Kakashi went out and said to her, "Stupid, you are doing it wrong."
She said: Finally, Hokage Sama you  came out.
Kakashi was surprised and kept thinking about her about  since when she knows that he was still watching her, but the idea moved away from his mind and start teach her how to do that jitsu and she did it. She smiled to him and tears flowed from her eyes saying : Thank you Hokage Sama. Really thank you
Kakashi saying in his mind: This jitsu is dangerous and difficult. She was doing everything perfectly to the last step and she thinks that without me she  would not have succeeded. Stupid.
Kakashi said to Hinata in a clear voice: Why is this jitsu it's dangerous and difficult and may harm you
Hinata: Oh, nothing specific. I just wanted to learn it
Kakashi astonished at it and said in his mind : There is something for sure, I am still shocked how She has to master those steps only within 7 months of training. It takes at least a year (Hinata took him out of his thoughts) saying: I will go now to the house. Thank you again Hokage Sama I hope you do not watch me like this every day Thank you again and sorry for the inconvenience .
Hinata says that with her gentle expression, which is not seen much any longer and she was too shy  after she went on her way ,
Kakashi said: Oh, she did not change much as I  expected, for she was still the shy and gentle girl we know
, and he went walking behind her, but  he was going to the Hokage's office, and when he was walking, he saw Hinatas father hitting her and said: Why are you late, modest? It is dinner time.
(Sorry, dad, I did not mean, "said Hinata while she was trying to hold her tears while she was on the ground and then Hayashi entered , and when Hinata tried to stand up, she fell unconscious , but Kakashi caught her. This is not the first time for Kakashi To see haishi hitting Hinata and this was really annoying.
Kakashi said while carrying Hinata inside the Hyuga Palace: How can she think that after all this training and the harsh exercises that she is subjected to, that she can move easily
when he entered and brought Hinata to her room, Kakashi said to Hayashi: Try not to pressure her too much Hayashi Hayashi said : Well, Hokage Sama,
and Kakashi came up with the idea that he should stop that and talk to her tomorrow about What doing exercises hurts her body and what her father does harm her

the next morning Kakashi went to the cemetery because he knew that he would see Hinata there.
Kakashi: Oh, Hinata how The case Hinata: Well, thank you. Sorry for disturbing you yesterday. Really, Hokage. Sama
Kakashi: Well, no problem. I want to talk to you about something
Hinata: Go on hokage sama
Kakashi: Try not to press yourself too much, for Neji will be sad if he sees you like that .

When Hinata heard the word Neji Tears in her eyes began to descend.
Kakashi saw tears and tears were descending from her eyes and approached her and said: Hinata, yes, Neji is dead, but he is still alive in our hearts. Do not forget that. He is a hero of Konoha after everything

Hinata: Thank you Hokage Sama
Hinata said while she embraces him without Realization when she realize what she's doing she was shy saying: sorry, I did not mean Hokage Sama.
Kakashi said with a sarcastic look: I know, I know. Come on, go home now to prepare breakfast. Goodbye. I have a lot of work.

Hinata: Thank you, Hokage Sama.
And Kakashi no longer watches Hinata. He thought that she was no longer training in this way, but what he did not know that He was wrong,  Hinata increased training times from what was previously until the month that announced in Kakashi that next month will be Naruto the Hokage.

In the evening of that day, Hinata went to the Hokage's office to meet Kakashi and said: Hokage-sama, I can ask for something from you.
Kakashi: Well, what is there? Hinata Hinata: Can you add me to The anbu Kakashi: But why
Hinata: I want that.
Kakashi: But we will give u a test of your abilities,as you know not anyone enters Anbu
Hinata: Well, I am ready.
Kakashi: Well, well, prepare tomorrow morning. I will not be easy to choose your opponent
Hinata: Decisively. Thank you, Hokage Sama, but can I ask for something else? Kakashi: What is there?
Hinata: If i  skip the strongest person in Anbu Can I enter the black anbu group, Kakashi was shocked by Hinata's words, but he did not appear that and said in his mind: Well, let's see what you got Hinata, Kakashi said loudly: Well then the agreement is reached
, Hinata smiled and finally she will fulfill Neji Hyuga's dream and said: Thank you , Hokage Sama, and  please do not tell anyone about me and about this subject. Kakashi: Well, I will not tell anyone Kakashi's thought about why Hinata does all that and he reached the answer and said in his mind: Then this is all for Neji that's why,
what will happen tomorrow will be a really long day
Flashback end ********************* *** Okay well, this chapter is all flashbacks happened in the past. And why do you think the last time Hyashi Hinata hit her in the face? And what do you think will happen in Hinata test? And let me know your opinions and ideas, and share your comments with me. I hope you do vote for the novel, and thank you 💙💙💙💙

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