Momo's party/Todoroki pov

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Our summer break was coming to a close and my ex-girlfriend had thrown a party at her place to celebrate, since it would most likely be our last one for a while. All of class 2-A (soon to be 3-A) was invited along with the rest of the school. Everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world. Her and I had broken up on good terms when I mentioned how I felt in love with a certain guy. She was extremely understanding of the situation and even offered to help me figure out my sexuality in any way she could. I was lucky to have been blessed with this terrific girl in my life. I always felt guilty for leaving her, even once I got into a relationship with said guy. The two of us were over by the bar taking shots while others partied, got wasted, did dumb shit, and made out. Out of the side of my eye I caught Momo gazing at Kyoka with a longing grin on her face. The purpled haired girl who had recently been dared to shave the side of her hair into a side shave was filming Denki taking a swan dive from the balcony in to the pool of Momo's mansion. I giggled a bit and turned to my best friend. 

"You've fallen hard, haven't you?  Can't really say I blame you though. It's hard not to fall in love with a tsundere with purple hair." I snickered to myself as she playfully slapped my arm with a look of fake exasperation. 

"It's also not hard to fall in love with a tsundere with BLONDE hair, now is it?" She made sure to put an emphasis on blonde for the sole reason of making me flustered.

 Damn her plans and how they always seem to work out. "Gee, so funny." I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my tequila and she mimicked my actions by quickly downing her red wine and asking for another round. At this point in the night everything was starting to get a bit blurry and I began to wander away from the bar.

I heard a mixture of voices around me so it was difficult to decipher them from each other. It was like I was drowning in a vast ocean of words and colors. I heard a mixture of sound falling together and I was starting to feel it was not easy to breathe. I wished I had stayed with Momo on the 2nd floor instead of going into the crowd alone. I noticed a flight of stairs going upwards, and instead of going back to ponytail, I went up the stairs like the absolute clown I am. People up there also held red cups in their hands while talking to each other and doing whatever random shit they felt like doing.

I also saw a couple of my classmates up here getting wasted. Tenya was making out with two chicks I don't believe I've met before on a wall. One of them may have been Hatsume, but I was too drunk to figure out nameless faces. However, there was one face that stood out from the rest. Each individual feature standing out to make a beautiful boy leaning against the railings of the stairs. I watched as he fidgeted with his motorbike helmet and looked like he genuinely didn't wanna be there. The expression on his face showed discomfort no matter how hard he tried to hide it as people went up in down the stairs brushing past. I felt sorry that he was caught in this situation alone so, like the completely fearless man I am, I approached him.

"Hey *hic* Kit-Kat! Wassup!" My words were slurred up and what I said came out really strange sounding. He didn't seem to noticed me so I shouted at him again, accidentally gaining the unwanted attention from everyone else on the winding staircase.  This time however, he heard me over 'e-girls are ruining my life' on the speakers.

Katsuki glared straight into my soul, but I could tell he was grateful for me saving him...I think. He walked a few steps, then grabbed my wrist and led me down 3 sets of stairs to outside where people were swimming while fully clothed.  I took a look behind me to see Momo giving me the "use protection" look. I giggled as my slightly pissed boyfriend led me out of the gates and onto his motorcycle.

"Where are we *hic* going my love?" He just rolled his eyes and strapped a helmet on my head.

"We're gonna head to my place. My parents aren't home tonight so we shouldn't have to worry about anything." He gave me a suggestive smile as he got on to drive us to his place. "Hold on tight teddy bear." God I loved when he called me that.

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