Not ready/Bakugo pov

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TWPeople not consenting.

After we both got on my bike, I revved up the engines and began to race through the streets of Musutafu. Shoto was holding on to my waist like his life depended on it. The roads were pretty bare on Momo's street so I sped off just to toy with my boyfriend. He definitely didn't like that. He squeezed my chest expressing his fear. This pussy hated riding on my motorcycle. He always told me he was afraid that I'd go too fast, run into a car, and kill us both. Imagine being scared of death. Couldn't be me.

"I can't tell if you're trying to hold on so you don't fall or if you're trying to suffocate me." I commented on the way he held my chest tightly.

"I don't know if you're trying to get us home faster or kill me." He held me tighter and I was sure it was on purpose now. 

At the party I didn't really drink since I knew I was going to have to drive myself home. I never even wanted to attend that damned party in the first place. Off-brand shark and great value Pikachu literally dragged me there while trying to convince me it was gonna be fun. The two of them ended up abandoning me on the second floor while they met up with Pepto Bismol and Spotify premium. I mostly roamed around awkwardly by myself not wanting too interact with any of my drunken classmates. I hated being left alone by myself at parties, so I just didn't go most of the time. You can never trust dumbasses who think truth or dare is fun.

When I finally pulled up in front of my house I still felt Shoto holding my torso for dear life. 

"We're here idiot." He looked up cautiously and assessed his surroundings slowly. Then the boy who was more than likely high as fuck took off both our helmets and looked me in my eyes. I got off the bike while he still sat there with a contented smile on his face. He cupped my face in his hands and pulled me in for a kiss slowly. When his lips connected with mine I felt a sense of euphoria run through my body. Even though we've been together for almost 3 years now, our anniversary is on my birthday, every kiss is like the first. I really do love him. 

Standing there with my arms wrapped around his waist in the dim glow of the moon, nothing felt more perfect. The way he rubbed my cheek with his thumb, the warmness of our bodies so close together, my hands on his back, and just the pure feeling of loving someone so much. I know whatever happened tonight he wouldn't remember in the morning, but I don't give a fuck. I want to stay here forever with him in my arms. I'm afraid to let go of someone that I adore so much. The kiss just felt so magical and made me feel lightheaded.

God, I'm so gay.


After making out in front of my house door for what didn't feel like enough time, we pulled away and made our way inside. I fumbled with the keys a bit since I was still a bit flustered from earlier. As we got inside I instantly felt strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and warm kisses on my neck. I quietly smiled to myself as we stumbled lazily to my bedroom. 

We've slept in the same bed hundreds of times before so I didn't really think anything of it as we  entered my bedroom. However, instead of just climbing into bed and drifting to sleep, he pinned my wrists against the wall with one hand. I knew he was just a bit tipsy so I tried to push him off but he tried to kiss me instead.

"What are you doing, Sho?" I decided to ask the dazed eyes in front of me. He gave me back a muffled response and let his free hand wander around my body. I felt slightly uncomfortable with the way he touched me, but I tried to convince myself it was just because he wasn't in his right mind. I yanked my hands away as he planted more kisses on the crease of my neck. I didn't really mind the kisses of course, so I just let myself fall into his soft touch. 

He's just showing affection, that's all it is. Isn't it?

He lay down on my bed comfortably and pulled me on top of him so that both my legs were on either side of his body. I wrapped my hands around his neck and stared into those Atlantic and metallic eyes. I could feel his hands traveling up my shirt and feeling around. He connected his lips with mine once again making me feel warm inside again.

Our tongues danced together in the darkness of my bedroom. It was a sort of familiar tingly feeling that he was giving me. It wasn't like I haven't had butterflies in my stomach before, but the thing is this was different. I know that something about this is different. It could be that he's intoxicated and I never wanted to do it while he wasn't in the right state of mind. I had a bit of a bit of a dilemma going on in the back of my mind as the night got darker and he began to lift my shirt over my head.

"Ah- wait wait stop-" I stumbled over my words because Shoto bit the side of my neck making me flinch. He left plenty of kisses of me not letting me protest at all, definitely leaving some love marks. 

"Shoto stop it. Uhm... my parents could be coming home soon!"  I had just tried to make up an excuse as to why I couldn't do it with him. I half-heartedly attempted to pull away from my strong boyfriend. He leaned over to my ear and whispered something in that deep voice of his trying to get me to change my mind.

"You know your parents are going to be out all night so don't even. Don't you wanna have a little fun? I promise to make you feel good~" 

My already red face got even redder when he spoke to me. I couldn't even think about how this would be my first time and I might be making a mistake. The doubts slipped from my mind as I allowed him to continue. 

I nodded into his chest and untensed my body  so I could fall into his touch once again. His large hands went under my waistline and I knew there was no turning back now.

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