Prologue Part 1

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It was a bright, warm, sunny day in Magnolia. The residents of the city were going about their own business, being with friends, buying groceries etc. This fine city was home to Fiore's number one guild: Fairy Tail.

But this day was going to be a surprise for the fairy tail wizards. Why? Well let's see further thought out the day to an late afternoon and early twilight.

Thick grey clouds had closed in on the blue sky, thunder and lightning pierced through the air, rain heavily pouring down on the earths. The streets were empty, everyone in their warm cozy houses.

All except one, lightning striked again illuminating the dark hour once more to reveal a small girl limping at a slow pace. She had short chin-length pale blue hair covered in dirt and blood, dull violet eyes filled with pain and a red tattoo on the left side of her face. She wore a dirty, shredded white dress covering her small skinny, beaten body and a blue dragon scale bandana around her neck. She held one hand against her bleeding stomach, taking one step at a time, not stopping until she was there. Where is she going? Where is there?

'Left, right, left, right.' The little girl chanted in her head, walking slowly. She grunted in pain nearly tripping but caught herself. The little girl looked front of her and saw a big building.

'I'll make you proud, Raven. Your sacrifice won't be for nothing.'

~Fairy Tail Guild Hall~

Inside the guild, everyone was having fun. The adults were drinking, kids playing together, though two boys were duking it out in a fight. The guild members are like one big family.

The doors slammed open. Everyone became silent and looked towards the door to see a rugged, starved little girl, bleeding and clutching her abdomen. She took a couple steps forwards. "H-Help..." And she fainted, dropping to the floor.

Everyone was still and quiet before a young boy with spiky pink hair walked towards the fallen girl. "Hey... you okay?" He asked turning her over, but noticed the floor was getting redder. He turned around. "She's injured! She needs help!" He yelled.

A small old man stood up. "Get her to the infirmary!" Immediately everyone got to work. The pink-haired boy picked her up and carried her to the back of the guild with a black-haired half naked boy following behind along with two teenage girls with red and white hair.


The girl groaned as she woke up rubbing her aching head. She flinched as the bright light hurt her eyes for a moment.

"I think she's waking up." A voice whispered but she could hear it. It sounded male and young.

"Be quiet, she needs rest!" Another male voice, also young.

"Would the two of you shut up?" Now this voice was female and also young as well.

She blinked a few times before opening her eyes. She grew accustomed to her surroundings and saw she was in a infirmary room. Slowly she sat up, strangely not feeling much pain as before.

The girl looked at herself in confusion and saw she was covered in bandages but mostly her stomach area. "Hey! You're finally awake."

Her snapped up to see three kids in front of her. The first was a boy with black hair and he was in his... underwear? The second was a girl with long white hair and the way she was dressed made her look like a demon. The last one was a boy with spiky pink hair. He wore a white scaly scarf around his neck and was grinning at her.

The pink haired boy spoke up. "I'm Natsu Dragneel! You're lucky you came into our guild! You were seriously injured."

The blue haired girl flinched and shakely asked, "H-how lo-lo-long was I-I o-out?"

"A week." The black haired boy said. "I'm Gray Fullbuster."

The girl blinked, but looked at him confused. She saw that he was in his underwear and didn't know if she should say anything. But the girl noticed this.

She sighed. "Gray, your clothes. You're scaring her."

The boy, whose name was Gray looked at himself and screamed. "Agh!" Quickly, he found his clothes and went to a corner.

The girl rolled her eyes before glancing at her. "I'm Mirajane Strauss."

"So what's your name?" Natsu asked jumping right into her face. The girl flinched and jumped back, frightened.

A snarl was heard. "Natsu! Stop scaring her!" A voice yelled at him. Immediately Natsu backed away from her. "Sorry." He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck.

She turned around and saw an old woman, who also had pink but was in a bun held by two pins. She wore a cold, emotionless face as she examined her.

"Well you're healing. You'll have to keep those bandages on and rest your shoulder. You were gravely injured, I'm surprised that you're even alive. How did this happen anyway?"

The girl hung her head and didn't utter a word. Somehow this angered the black haired boy. "Great! Another one that doesn't talk!" The girl flinched.

"Gray!" Natsu shouted. "Shut up." He mumbled.

"Well, they probably don't have a reason for talking, so shut up Gray." Mirajane glared at him. Gray just rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Alexis." The girl muttered. Everyone snapped their heads towards the bluenette in shock. Did she just talk?

"M-my Alexis." The girl repeated stuttering slightly.

"Alexis? That means defender of mankind, right?" Mirajane asked and the girl nodded.

Natsu grinned as he stood up to her. "Nice to meet you Alexis! So do you use any kind of magic?"

Alexis stared at him and mutely nodded. Natsu grinned wider. "Great! Can you show us?" He asked excited.

The girl whimpered and covered her head with the blanket.

Mirajane hit Natsu upside the head. "Look what you did! You idiot!" She yelled.

The old woman shook her head. "Leave her alone. She's been through a lot already and she's just woken up she needs her rest."

"When can I leave the bed?" Alexis asked under the blanket.

"Tomorrow." The old woman answered. She looked at the three kids. "Make sure she doesn't leave the bed for 24 hours. Am I clear?"

The three of them nodded. "Good. NOW SCRAM!" She waved a broom at them and they quickly scurried out of the room.

Alexis peaked from under the blanket. She didn't understand why these people were being so... nice. They seemed like they actually worried about her.

Just like...

No! She can't think about that right now!

She's only here because he risked his life for hers.

"Alright, now rest your shoulder. It's fractured so it'll take a while to heal. You're going to have to come over to my place to have it checked out every few days." The old woman told her.

Alexis glanced up at her. "I... don't know where you live." She whispered quietly.

The old woman gave her a small smile. "Don't worry. I'm sure Makarov will probably take you the first time. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get going." With that, the old lady left the room, leaving Alexis all alone.

Alexis sighed and stared at her hands. She started crying as she remembered what she had done. Everyone may call it magic but she sees it as a curse. A curse that had killed her only friend.

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