Chapter # 4

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Asalam o Alaikum and Hello beauties!!!!


I know I know... I said I can't update but I did... 😜😜😜

So enjoy the update and keep loving....


Continue from chapter 3 ending.....

"What is this important thing you wanted to discuss Armaan? I was in a very important talk and you dragged me away... So this better be good,"

Mustafa huffed as he glared at Armaan who just rolled his eyes at him and sat on the chair behind the office desk after closing the door.

"Yeah, and your important talk involved a meaningless argument with 5 years old over a nickname... Yeah totally important,"

Mustafa can notice the sarcasm in his tone but ignore it as his eyes zoned on the box in his best friend's hand.

"What is that in your hand?"

"Finally you noticed idiot...,"

Another glare was thrown his way with a paperweight that Armaan dodged and scoff at his best friend.

"Dude... Chill for a moment... You are acting like a woman on period...,"

Mustafa closed his eyes as he took deep breaths to control his anger because his best friend is testing his patience.

"You have 5 seconds to open your mouth Armaan... And after that, I will beat your ass so you will know the pain of labor because I will break all your bones,"

"Geez, man... You are getting into your element...,"


"Ok... Ok... No need to be violent... Someone leave this box on the main gate and the security team bring it after checking for any dangerous stuff...,"

Armaan's serious tone made Mustafa frowned as he gets up from his seat and moved to stand beside Armaan.

"Did you open it?"

"No... But the security head did and he said that you have to see what's inside,"

Armaan placed the box on the table and Mustafa opened it. The first thing they saw was multiple pictures of Maria.

Some of her alone walking to the cottage, some of her in the hospital with her mother, and the last stack was of Mustafa and Maria when he throws her on his shoulder to take her home.

Armaan felt anger coursed through him as he noticed a note attached to the side.

He opened it but get shocked when he saw a note written with blood, probably animal's, he hoped it was.

He read the note and the blood in his veins boiled as he looked at Mustafa who was still looking at the pictures where Maria's face was marked with a red marker.

Some of them had a red target aimed at her, Mustafa wanted to kill whoever this person was.

He came out of his trance when Armaan placed the note in his line of sight, which boiled his blood as he read the words aloud.

'Welcome back Mustafa Hamad Makhdoom... I am glad to decide to come back on time because you will soon get to attend your precious Maria funeral... Every last person of Arsalan Chaudhary family will suffer... Get ready to lose because no one can save her... Not even you... Will meet again... Her dead angel...,'

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