Chapter 7- It's on

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hi! i honestly did not expect anyone would read this but thanks u guys!  and sorry for the late updates but i will try to update quick. ps. it's 1am in my country and im still up thinkin bout what to write next. ;) and the camren beach scene here btw was written before the camren australia beach visit. i didn't know it would


Lauren's POV

The days went by so fast I didn't even notice it has already been a month and Camz and I were doing great. I mean the FRIENDSHIP was getting stronger each day. We share stories everyday and like literally everything. She finally decided to remove the gap she made and everytime I get close to her, I realize that I'm already falling in love with her. She's funny and actually goofy and cute that she always make me laugh even in her stupid random jokes and I even find it funny when she trips on her heels. She sometimes have the urge to still take control but then it's just fine with me. I just sigh when I realize it's impossible for her to like me like that and I understand we can't be together. I don't want to stress out on things like this cause everytime it creeps in my head, it makes my breathing hurt. I guess it's just fine to be friends, if that's the only way I can have her in my life. That would be just fine I guess.

"Lauren!" I went back to reality when I heard Camila's voice. "What?"

"I said give me the flour." She said, glaring at me

"Oh sorry." I grabbed the container with flour and gave it to her. We were in Ally's kitchen and she was teaching us how to bake. Camz was making cupcakes while Dinah and Mani went out to buy some snacks. They went back few minutes later with a company. "Hey Mila, guess who we bumped into at the convenient store!" There was absolute excitement in Mani's voice. We looked up and a really cute guy with a big smile was standing next to the girls. Camila was so surprised. "Harry?!"

"Hi Mila." she gave him a kiss and a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, still with that big, enticing smile.

"I'm here for some monkey business, my dad asked me to stand for him in a business meeting here, I never thought I would bump into Dinah and Mani." he explained.

"That was so strange, we were on the tampon section and he almost made my face kiss literally everything on the shelf." We all laughed on Dinah's story with a little reinactment. She's kind of crazy sometimes and I love her. "I'm really sorry, Dinah." he apologized.

"It's ok, you bought us these snacks anyway, we're cool." Dinah said, looking over the snacks with twinkling eyes.

"Oh hey, this is Ally and Lauren by the way." Camz gestured to us and we shared a smile. "Girls, this is Harry, he's our childhood friend but he moved to London few years ago."

"Nice to meet you." he said as his dimples show. I must admit, he's kind of a cutey, he have that dreamy aura but I felt like he has something for Camila on the way he looked at her and I feel like what I was giving was fake smiles. What is this feeling? It's strange and I don't like it.

The girls decided to go to the carnival. My face always light up on the thought of bump cars, ferris wheel, roller coasters and people screaming in the adrenaline it gives them. But this time, my smile was fake. I don't actually feel like going to the carnival. I just want to curl up in my bed and read 'How to Kill a Mocking Bird' or maybe write a poem about the injustice in falling in love with someone who can't give the equal amount of love that you give them. But I was here, standing in front of a roller coaster while watching Camila and Harry having fun while they were being tossed in the air like a pair of dice. I looked for Ally, she was at the shooting game where you can win a really huge stuff toy. "Hey, where's Camila?" she asked.

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