Chapter 19- Second Chances

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Lauren's POV

"Hey! You're home!"

Mom greeted as she opened the door.

She wrapped me in a tight hug.


My family greeted as they give me a bone crushing group hug.

I flashed a big smile trying to look genuinely happy.

"Hey, I missed you guys. Oh I bought pizza! I almost forgot, here you go."

I placed it on our kitchen table.

They all cheered opening the boxes.

I laughed and shared stories with them.

Trying to forget about everything sad. But not everything can be hidden by big smiles and enthusiastic laughter especially to my family. They can detect the slightest change in my voice.

"What happened?"

"Dad I'm fine, you don't have to worry about anything."

"Well, your sad eyes are betraying you."

"I can't really hide anything from you guys."

"Trust me, you're not good at it."

"Camila and I broke up."

"Oh my God. We haven't even seen her yet."

"She said it was not even real, she never really loved me."

"I don't think that's true. I saw firsthand how she took care of you. How she was so afraid of losing you."

"She loves you Lauren, I think she's just too afraid and that lead her to pushing you away."

"Don't worry, she'll come back to you when she's ready. Don't stress out."

I hugged my mom and dad and smiled.

"That's more like it, you're prettier when you don't give fake smiles."

"Thanks guys, I love you."

Camila's POV

"Mila, we're leaving in an hour."

My mom reminded.

"Yeah, I'll be quick."

She closed the door and left.

I was standing in our room.

The room where it all began.

One of the places in this earth that I would rather be.

It looked the same, nothing was changed. My side was still a mess and Lauren's side was organized.

I sat on her bed. I can still smell her perfume. The smell I missed so much.

I miss everything about her, her knowledge of art and her sensitive but pure heart.

The pictures on the wall was still there. The doodles. Photos of all the places we wished to visit together. I remember when I told her how much I love to travel like she does.


"I was just scrolling down my Tumblr dashboard and I felt so jealous of the people who can go to beautiful places like that, I told to myself, one day, I will spontaneously buy a plane ticket and take a first flight to a country I have always wanted to visit with someone I love."

She smiled and looked at me like I was the most prescious thing in the world.

"That was my dream too. I always love to travel and discover new things."
She said, her eyes lit up  even brighter than before.

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