Chapter 8- We're Not Delusional

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Lauren's POV

"Hey so do you guys wanna have a little party tonight? It's Saturday, you know I feel like it's a perfect time to just relax." Ally suggested and Dinah and Normani cheered as they thought that would be a great idea. We were in my car, I was driving and Camila's sitting next to me. She just looked like less excited as the rest of us while looking at the back which I feel like she was having a staring contest with Harry. I felt my breathing hitched, there was that feeling of inappropriate jealousy again. I felt there was something Camila would want to tell us, me in particular. "Um, sorry guys I can't." Camila said. There it was, I was holding my breathe. "I mean, Harry would like to have a dinner and a movie...with me." she continued, I can say there was a bit of excitement in her voice. The girls' giggles were changed into an awkward and unexpected silence. Camila looked at me, I usually would feel like my heart would like to escape from its cage but this time I felt um, like there's a forest fire in my inner soul and I can't feel my heartbeat. I was a deaf for a moment. All I see was the road. I wanted to get home fast.

"Where are you guys goin'?" Dinah finally spoke. I can feel the awkwardness in her voice. I knew she didn't like the idea too, non of us do, well, except maybe Camila. "Oh just downtown, I'd love Camila to show me the place and just walk around after the movie and have dinner." the boy said with enthusiasm.

"oh" the girls replied. The rest of the drive went sort of not fun at all, everyone was kind of just silent. I felt Camila's gaze on me but I would not look back, I pretended I was just focusing on the road. No matter how much I would love to look at her beautiful face, I can't and I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. I knew this can't be happening, I mean, I don't have any right to be jealous or anything cause Camila and I were just bestfriends. Even if there were some defining moments where I can say I made her heart beat really fast, her breathing slower and get her electrified of my skin touching hers. I knew in my heart, I really like her, I never said a thing, but I think I do. I stopped to a glamorous hotel to drop by Camila and that guy. We waved goodbyes and flashed our fake smiles. The girls tried to cheer me up, they knew how I felt. Camila and I never said a thing to them but they always been supportive of whatever we have. "Don't worry Lauren, everything would be fine, I know that one day, Camila would bump her head on a wall and would realize that it's you that she wants, and that day would be tomorrow, I would literally crush her head, that girl's so stubborn." Dinah as the captain of our ship, as she address herself,  tried to comfort me with those brutal thoughts. I know what they were trying to say but I was keep on telling them that I was fine.

It was 7pm and I felt so tired, my energy level went from 100-10 in just a minute, I just wanted to curl up my bed and I don't even feel like checking out my social media. I hate this feeling.

Camila's POV

"Harry would like to have a dinner and a movie...with me."

Silence. My goofy friends fell into a deep silence. Lauren's face fell when I said those words. She refuse to look back at me. I figured she was hurt. I knew this would happen but I swear I never wanted to hurt her. We were in my room when Harry asked me to go out with him.


"You look so beautiful." his eyes were piercing down on me and his smile was wider showing off his deep dimples. He moved closer and touched my face. "It's like the 20th time you said that since you get here."
"I know but, it's true, I just can't help it, I always knew you would grow beautifully and I hate my parents for forcing me to leave because I missed the moments that I should have watched you grow." he said, looking at me lovingly.
"Don't say that, your parents would hate me if they hear you say that. And don't touch me you little dork!" I playfully pushed him and faced the mirror. We were preparing to leave for the carnival and the girls were in Dinah and Mani's room. "Hey, would you like to have a dinner and movie with me later?"
"Is that how you get girls to go out with you? That's pathetic." I jokingly said.
"I'm not kidding, come on, Mila." He animatedly said and jumped on my side. "You know how much I have been waiting for this moment to finally ask you out, you said when we were 16 that you were not ready, now that we're older, maybe it's about time right?" I took a deep breath and looked at him. If only Lauren would ask me the same thing, I would have died in front of her. Oh God! Ok, fine, I admit there's a part of me,wishing Lauren would ask me out but the bigger part says, I can't date her cause, well, basically my parents would kill me. We never said a thing but you know when you can say someone's special just by the way you look at her.
"Hey earth to Camila." I snapped when Harry talked again. "Oh hi! So...Mila?"
"Yeah, ok." I said simply which put a bigger smile on his face. Don't hate me, I just didn't know what to do. i honestly have no clear vision of what I want to do with my life right now, I guess I just wanted to straight things out. Even if it means hurting Lauren. I knew I said I would never hurt a beautiful creature like her but sometimes, we have to choose between getting hurt or hurting others. And I'm obviously choosing to hurt others. I know, I hate myself too. I'm a piece of shit.

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