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they should have saved
them when they had the chance

they should have saved them when they had the chance

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The days that follow aren't any easier. 

Eri is forced to spend 48 hours in solitary confinement as punishment for her disobedience. And likewise, you spend the same amount of time practicing your quirk with the men that have wronged your father's organization. As your sister cried herself to sleep, you broke bones, tore skin, and drew blood out of strangers, using violence as some sort of release for your anger and frustrations. You're stronger when you're emotional. Chisaki doesn't like that. He doesn't like anything that lacks control. 

"P-Please, enough." A man in a fancy leather suit is groveling beneath your feet. His face his purple. His legs are twisted. He has no choice but to beg to the young boy that bears his life inside his bloodied fist.

You're deaf to his pleads. You can't be persuaded. With a flick of your wrist, you will the man's blood to rush through his veins and spew out of his nose. He gasps, and falls to the floor like a battered ragdoll. He can barely breathe. He can feel himself get lifted by an invisible force. With a hardened expression, you scream and slam your fist against the wall. His body explodes. Crimson covers your face and clothes. The headache sets in. You can feel yourself weakening. Your knees are shaking, but your rage tells you to stay up. Endure it. It's temporary. 

The man makes a pitiful noise before he takes his last breath and dies. You're unshaken. You gloss over his mangled corpse like it's an every-day feat. You're used to the bloodshed; too used to the violence. Nothing rattles you anymore. Other than your sister potentially falling into the hands of danger, you can walk into a room, commit mass genocide, and walk out like it's just another Sunday. You don't care who this man is. Nor do you care if he deserved to die the way he did. Lab rats like him are usually the people who've swindled Chisaki or betrayed the Hassaikai. If anyone had any plans of screwing up, they better hope they get shot or die in the process. 

Traitors get locked in a room with (Y/n). No one wants to be locked in a room with (Y/n).

With a member like you, the Hassaikai is untouchable.

You place your hands on your neck and pant. Your shoulders rise up and down as you recollect your composure. Your knees buckle once more, and this time, your rage doesn't hold you back. You fall onto the floor, weakened by your tantrum. Blood clings onto your hands. The metallic stench is invasive. 

After spending a good 5 minutes just managing your ragged breathing, you get up and cause the blood on your skin and clothes to dissolve. It fades into the air, disappearing along with the blood of the man you just killed. Chisaki prefers it when you make clean-up easier. Other than that, it's also become a force of habit. Learning how to manipulate liquid into gas is handy when it comes to getting rid of evidence. You dust the rubble off your shoulder and knock on the metal door. A signal that you were done. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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