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when will enough be enough?

A deafening ring was tormenting you from within your ears

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A deafening ring was tormenting you from within your ears. Blood dripped down your eyes and nose, creating crimson blotches on the concrete floor. Keep it together. Just keep breathing. You felt like your lungs were going to burst as you doubled over and caught your breath. The world was blurring. Everything around you, from the creaks of steel walls to the metallic taste rising from the back of your throat, was melding into an incomprehensible mess. You wheezed and forced your systems into overdrive, fighting the urge to lose consciousness. Don't do it. Keep fighting; else, he'll turn to her.

"Get up. An actual opponent wouldn't give you a chance to take a breath."

But you felt as if you couldn't move. Your exhaustion was weighing you down. You felt so lightheaded that you could no longer think things through. Out of instinct, you pushed yourself off the floor and made fists with your hands. Your body was acting on its own. You wiped your bloody nose with your sleeve and assumed your stance. In front of you stood the man you called 'father'. But that name was just a word. He raised you, fed you, taught you basic things. But he was never what a father should be.

He snapped his gloved fingers, golden eyes trained sharply at you. "Well? Presence of mind, (Y/n). You're not supposed to have time to think."

You looked over your shoulder to spot the last of your knives. You pulled it out with your teeth and hurriedly stabbed it into your thigh, willing a stream of blood to float in the air. You lips were dry, and your eyes were practically rolling to the back of your head, but you shook it off and held your hand up. You made a fist and managed to turn your blood into spikes. In one swift motion, you summoned them all towards your opponent in a desperate attempt to actually win this fight.

But your movements were sloppy. You were growing weaker and weaker by the second. Chisaki could read you like an open book. You got predictable when you were tired. The man simply placed one foot backwards to dodge all of your spikes. Not one of them caused any damage. He remained clean and untouched, while you looked like you had just crawled out of a minefield. Dark-red liquid pooled beneath you and spilled from multiple wounds under your bandages and clothes.

That's it. You've lost too much blood. You could no longer see straight. Your body shut itself down and made you collapse onto the floor, bleeding to death.

Chisaki looked so disappointed. He rolled his eyes as if his son wasn't dying in front of him. "I expected more from you, (Y/n)." He let out a sigh and removed one of his gloves. With a disgusted expression, he touched your arm and had you dissolve beneath his feet, only to reassemble seconds later. You came back with your wounds closed and bruises healed; except for the ones under your bandaged arm. "We keep training and training, but somehow, you're just not getting any better."

Still unconscious, you remained still and unmoving on the floor.

Chisaki scowled at your helpless figure. "You have to realize how powerful your abilities are. If you could overcome your weaknesses, you could be the most unstoppable member of the Shei Hassaikai, if not, the world! Your quirk isn't just the manipulation of your blood, it's the manipulation of blood in general. Can you imagine how easy it would be for you to kill a person by simply extracting their blood from their bodies?"

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 - various!bnha x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now