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Angel had to go to school the next morning from her brother. He sighs when he sees her sad face "Come on Angel it's the last week before the holidays". She grumbles a bit and without saying anything else they walk to school.

Out of breath from walking, Angel enters the schoolyard. Her friend Tia comes to meet her "Hey Angel, you're back". Angel grins a bit and looks questioningly at her friend. "Hey Tia, how are you?". Her friend hugs her with widespread eyes. "Wow you gained weight" she says while poking Angel in her abdomen.

Her head turns red as a tomato "Yes I know, does it matter?". Tia laughs "No crazy, i like it". Her friend squeezes her fat roll. "Stop idiot" Angel laughs and pushes her friend away from her.
Tia walks inside with her best friend, everyone stares at me in amazement. "They can see it from you" Tia grins happily "Soon there will be gossip". Angel didn't care what the others thought. She felt sexy when everyone watched her gain weight.

They sit at a table and Tia looks around "What do you want to eat?". Angel looks at her friend "I want the sanwishes with bacon and a big chocolate muffin". Her friend jumps up and immediately walks to the cafeteria. Tia returns with much more than what I asked for. "Tia, what have you brought with you?". Her friend sits back and smiles "I'm sure you wanted more than just that". Angel sighs deeply "Tia come on, it's not because I gained weight that I'm eating like a pig".

This was a lie because she did eat a lot to gain weight. Tia whispers as she leans towards her "I don't believe any of that, I know you better than that". Angel didn't know what to say and nods. "You know me better indeed" she has to smile with her friend's glittering eyes. Tia grins "You want to gain weight or not?". Angel starts to eat and does not answer. Her friend watches her work it all in."I like the idea that you would gain weight".

Tia proudly watches how I work everything inside. "Delicious," she says with a wink. I look at her with my mouth full, laughing "Sure it is" I say as I eat everything. Tia sits next to me when I slow down to eat. "Tia I'm so full" I mumble while rubbing my bloated stomach. Tia laughs "Come on chubby, just a little bit more". My best friend fed me the rest of the platter sandwiches. The waistband of my pants is very tight and through my tight shirt you can clearly see my new bulge.

She grins when everything is gone. "Look, you did well". The food makes my pants feel very tight and with a sigh I open my button. My belly hangs slightly and I get fat around my hips. Tia squeezes my soft stomach. "You really are a chubby one" we laugh together and the bell rings, the sports class is about to begin. We walk together to the changing room and get out our sports clothes. Tia grabs the shirt that comes out of my gym bag. "This is going to be a tight one". I pull it out of her hands. "Shut up, nobody needs to hear that". She smiles and we change. With difficulty I get my shirt over my belly. It is very tight and when I move it rises. Tia pokes in my love handle.

"Nice looking chubby". Panting with exertion, I try to put on the tight sports pants. The stretch band makes a creaking noise when I try to pull it over my wide hips. Tia helps and after some pulling I get it on. I exhale with relief. "This feels so tight" I sigh as we go to the gym. Tia laughs "If you gain weight like that, that's normal".

My belly jiggles a little when we have to run from the teacher. I get a warm feeling. I proudly run on, but after a few minutes I am panting as if I have run a marathon. The teacher loudly shouts "Faster Angel, keep following". Panting and puffing, I desperately try to keep up with the rest. My class is quite sporty and no student is too heavy, so I can quickly no longer follow because my condition has dropped to zero. the teacher comes running next to me and looks worried "Come on Angel, follow and keep running".

For the rest of the lesson, the teacher has to keep running next to me. He tries to encourage me and after half an hour the class is finally over. Tired and exhausted, I follow the students back into the dressing room. A girl from the class comes up to me "Gosh Angel you should be on a diet". A twinge of Anger goes through me but I am too tired to say anything. Tia stays with me while everyone walks into the play area. The rest of the day goes by slowly, I only think about food and as soon as I can I start snacking again.

My love, brother and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now