Am I hot

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Vanessa couldn't believe how lucky she was, to get a new apartment in the first day out with such low rent, could only be a dream.

"This is the kitchen" Brooke said leading Vanessa around the house, the house was pretty big and had minimalist style

"Can you cook" The Canadian asks "I can learn" Vanessa responds "Not in here, you'd set this place on fire"

"Oh yeah? And what would you do to me." Vanessa smirks as Brooke's cheeks turn visibly red "Are you flirting with me"

"Maybe, maybe not. It ain't my fault, it just comes naturally when I see a hot girl you know"

"Am I hot?" Brooke asks making Vanessa blush "Well yeah" The blonde cuts off the talk by starting another conversation "Anyways, I'll cook you do the dishes"

"Don't you have a dishwasher?"

"No, princess" Vanessa's cheeks turn red

"Brooke Lynn!!" The look on Brooke's face  changes as a slightly annoying voice is heard outside their house "Shit Brooke says moving towards the door, Vanessa following her.

She opens the door and this girl with this huge blonde hair walks in with a plate of warm cookies "Hey! How's it going"
"Can't complain" Brooke rolls her eyes "I brought you some cookies" the girl smiles, she seemed nice "Thanks I guess..."

Suddently she looks at Vanessa with eyes that might kill her "Who are you?"
"I could ask the same question" Vanessa thinks to herself "I'm Vanessa, Brooke's new roomate" she smiles "And you are..."

"Ariel, I live next door" there's an akward silence "Anyways can I get some coffee"

"The coffee machine is broken" Brooke quickly replies "oh...well I would love a cup of tea"

"Sorry I don't drink tea" The other girl roles her eyes at Brooke's response "Well I could allways have beer"

"Ariel I'm kinda busy right now..."

"I can wait"

"Have some self respect girl" Vanessa thinks

"I love your t-shirt Brooke"

"I hate this t-shirt"

The girl turns at Vanessa "Anyways tell me about yourself, like do you date?"

"No, I'm single, what about you"

"I like someone"
"Yeah no shi Sherlock" Vanessa thinks of saying but keeps it to herself

"Can I tell you something Vanessa" she nods "okay, I'm not the type of girl to be playing around"
"Am I supposed to understand that?"
"If you don't go after what you want you won't get it, and I'm gonna keep chasing what I want, just hope you know that"

Brooke quickly interrupts the conversation pushing Vanessa to the side.

"How do I take this crazy woman out of my house she whispers "Tell her you're not interested"

"I can't simply do that, I don't wanna hurt her feelings"

"Brooke just be honest..."

The blonde nods and tells Ariel they need to have a talk, as they both head outside and Vanessa stays in, waiting.

From inside Vanessa could hear a bit of their talk, Brooke kept trying to be honest but it just wasn't working suddently she her

"I just...I think I'm straight."

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