Why would I care

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Vanessa was confused, Brooke was straight?? She definitely showed some kind of attraction towards Vanessa. Was she lying to get herself out of this?

She took a look at what was happening outside through the window, and...the neighbor had left but other woman was talking to Brooke, a stong tattoed redhead, Vanessa quickly get's away from the window as soon as she sees them heading to the door.

They walk in and the redhead acts suprise for seeing her there "oh...you should introduce me to your friend"

"We're not friends" the blonde replies drirly "you don't consider me a friend?" Vanessa looks at her sadly "I'm just kidding, I'm Vanessa, her new roomate, nice to meet you"

"Kameron, but close friends call me Kam"

"You didn't tell me you we're comming" Brooke smiles "It's a surprise, you've been so quiet lately..." There's an akward silence "So Vanessa, tell me about yourself, we're obviously going to be seeing eachother a lot" The redhead says in a flirtatious way "Well..." The puerto rican thinks

"Don't mess with her" Brooke looks at her "oh I see what's going on here" Kam blinks at Brooke

"Can you be more specific" Vanessa asks knowing exactly what Kameron meant  "well that's not for me to say" Brooke rolls her eyes at kameron's comment

The door bell rings once more, "this looks like a sidcom" Vanessa thinks to herself.

While Kam goes to the door Vanessa asks Brooke "Brooke are you straight?Not that I care, why would I care, but just... I don't know"

Brooke look at Vanessa confused "uhm if you were listening to my talk with Ariel earlier wich by the way, rude! I may or may have not lied"

"Brooke I told you to be honest-" The conversation is cut off by this beautiful girl
"Hey Plastique" Brooke says, her body language changing completely "Don't I get a hug?" They both hug eachother and stay like that for...you know a while.

"I wonder how long it will last this time" Kameron whispers to Vanessa not too pleased "I sent you like...a thousand texted" The blonde says "yeah I know" the other girl says

"Who is she, and what's goin on right now" Vanessa whispers to Kameron who still doesn't look too happy with the presence of Plastique in the room "That's Plastique, the biggest disaster Brooke ever met" she turns to Plastique again "Hey plastic, can't pretend I'm happy to see you"
"Kam Kam, so sweet of you to remember me" the other girl smiles

"Okay this has to stop" Brooke interferes "Let me introduce you to my new roomate, Vanessa"

"Hi Vanessa, I'm Plastique" Vanessa thinks she seems nice "Nice too meet you"

"Can I ask you a question?" Vanessa nods "What do you think about Kameron?"
"I really don't wanna get involved" Vanessa replies

"That's okay" Brooke says
"No it's not" Plastique interrupts
"Fine" Vanessa says "I think she's nice"

"That sounds nothing like me" Kameron laughs "wow it seems like things are better when I'm not around" Plastique says "I was just gonna say that" Kameron smiles "Buh-bye"

"You're getting on my nerves to day Kameron" The girl leaves the room and Brooke goes after her

"Why do you hate her so much?" The puerto rican asks "Well... she's playing games and waisting her time"

"Did you see what you did" Brooke comes back "I was just trying to do something nice to you" Kameron smiles with no teeth "Get lost" Brooke rolls her eyes and Kam keeps the same smiley face "I won't take it personally, nice to meet you" she walks away

"Is that how it is around here" Vanessa asks "often enough" Brooke rolls her eyes
"Let me guess... you're a hopeless romantic" Vanessa assumes "sometimes putting a thing behind is not easy" Brooke looks down "I'm so glad you're here, I really don't wanna be alone now"

"Come here" Vanessa says hugging the taller girl

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