I feel the same

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Plastique falls into Brooke's arms with tears in her eyes, Vanessa goes to her room beacause it sounds personal.

"I don't know where to start-" Plastique says "-Brooke this needs to be said, I've been such a cool and I'm so depressed-" she looks down "-and it's all your fault, I'm in love with you"

"Really" Brooke's been falling for Plastique for a while now and to hear those things from her meant so much to her "I...I kinda feel the same"

Plastique's facial expression changes quickly "oh, I did not see that one comming" she says confusing Brooke more than she already is "Brooke I was just kidding..."

"Just kidding?"

Plastique laughs "Don't look at me that way Brooke, you should have seen your face"

"Get out" the blonde says


"GET OUT" finally she leaves, Plastique has always been so toxic and unstable but Brooke allways had that soft spot her but this time it felt different Brooke was done with it.

Vanessa leaves her room a few minutes later, noticing Brooke's red eyes she felt the need to ask "Are you okay?" of course she wasn't but Vanessa felt bad, Brooke shakes her head no "I didn't want to hear your conversation, but the house is quiet" Vanessa looks down "I'm so stupid, this is all my fault-"

"Don't do it" Vanessa tried "I need some sleep Good night" Brooke ignored and went to her room

1 week passed by and Brooke had just got off work just another boring day she told Kam about on their regular bar "How are things between you and Vanessa" a question that Brooke was but wasn't expecting "Vanessa is Vanessa and all is well"

"Oh you know what I mean-" Kameron smiles "-she's beautiful she's smart...how long do you think you're gonna keep it up"

"What are you even talking about" Brooke rolls her eyes "Vanessa!Do you have feelings for her" The other girl guesses "I met her a week ago"

"Is that a yes or a no" Brooke doesen't reply "Are you ignoring me"

"Does it matter" Brooke takes a sip of her whiskey


Miss Visage was telling Vanessa about how they were gonna have to stay in the office for more 10 hours when a beautiful girl enters the room "Jeez mom do you ever sleep"

"Liv-" Michelle rools her eyes "-Vanessa meet my daughter Liv, she's the designer of the magazine" Vanessa smiles at her "Liv, Vanessa is my personal assistant"

"You look tired...and hungry" the girl points out "Well nobody leaves til the boss leaves" She replies with a noticeable forced smile

"Mom you're so cruel"
"I'm afraid I have no choice, we have to work harder since the writer for the Rihanna interview just dropped out... we're a mess "

"Rihanna?? THE Rihanna??"

"Are you a fan?" Liv asks "Who isn't?" Vanessa replies, Liv stays quiet for a while when Michelle gives her a knowing look

"I know what you're thinking Liv" the girl raises an eyebrow "what am I thinking?"

"This is a huge article, she's a personal assistant" Vanessa makes an offended face at Michelle's comment but she wasn't wrong, I mean Vanessa knows that she would freak out maybe even faint with Rihanna there
"Are you interested in writing" Liv asks completely ignoring her mom.

Vanessa nods, she actually really was. Since little she found herself interested in fashion and as a teen allways dreamed of writing about it, making little books about how much she hated the skirt over jeans trend.

"She can't do it" Michelle interrupts her thoughts "yeah i think you're right..." Liv murmurs "let's start small"

Michelle rolls her eyes "okay fine, home made waffles yay or nay"

"Uhhh" Vanessa looks at the woman confused "A thousand words by Friday" oh shit, was this her shot? "Wait, for real???"

"Do i look like I'm playing" she raised an eyebrow at the younger girl "you're done for the day, see if you can get something done today"

Michelle walks out of the room "I owe you one" she tells Liv "You sure do" the girl winks making Vanessa blush.


Vanessa get's home around 8, a delicious smell filled the house, she walks to the kitchen to find Brooke "What's the smell" Brooke turns around "you like it?" "Mhm smells delicious"
"Well i hope you're hungry, it's my famous lasagna"

"Also-" Brooke looks at the Puerto Rican "O thought you left work around 6"
"Not with Miss Visage i do not" Vanessa rolls her eyes

"You could teach me a thing or two about cooking" Vanessa smirks getting closer to the taller girl "Vanessa don't play"

"Or what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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