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President Shinra's office was huge, with more of them black marble floors an' columns along with another buncha potted plants. The walls 'round his huge black desk was lined with floor to ceilin' windows that looked out across Midgar an' his own private helipad. The door leadin' outside was on our right, but I didn't see a chopper out there as we was all led in here by Rude an' them soldiers.

The president himself was sittin' casually behind his desk, polishin' a gold handgun. My blood went hot soon as I saw him, an' it took 'bout all I had to not to try an' break off my cuffs an' shoot the son of a bitch with my gun-arm. All I could see was Sector 7, gone. All'a them people dead. Biggs an' Wedge banged up an' bruised. Lena sick an' in pain. An' Jessie... dyin' in bed, struck down by this asshole an' her old man. The sky was dark outside, jus' like my mood.

"So... the vaunted Avalanche," President Shinra said. "Hmph. Less than impressive, to say the least."

I snorted. "Like we give a shit what you think!"

Cloud frowned. "Where's Aerith?"

"In a safe place," the president answered. "That girl is the last of the Cetra, what we call the Ancients. They lived and flourished thousands of years ago, but now they are merely history."

Red blinked. "So, Hojo was correct. She is an Ancient."

President Shinra nodded. "Indeed. And through her, the Ancients will lead us to the promised land. She may be only a half-breed, but she still has their powers. I'm expecting much of her."

"The promised land is merely a legend," Red argued.

"Perhaps," the president shrugged. "However, it's too tempting not to pursue. The fabled promised land holds great potential and is said to be full of life and extremely fertile. And if it is..."

"Then it's gotta have mako!" I spat.

He put his gun down an' picked up a cigar. "Exactly. We won't even need the mako reactors anymore. The endless energy will simply pour out on its own. This is where we will build Neo-Midgar. The new glory of Shinra in the heart of the promised land..."

I growled. "Bullshit! Ain't gonna happen! Avalanche'll stop ya! We ain't Wutai or anybody's puppet! We fight for the people, the planet! To hold you assholes accountable for your crimes! Everyone'll know it was you who destroyed Sector 7 an' killed all those people, not us! We'll see to it! So to hell with your dreams an' glory!"

"Is that all you want?" the president sneered. "To have your names cleared? That is what matters most to you? Hmph. More than shutting down the reactors? Than the planet's future?"

I blinked. "Huh? Damn..."

He laughed softly. "You're lying to yourself even now. Truth, honor, justice, freedom... vain indulgences, every one. Picture it, a world with no Shinra. A world without mako energy. A stagnant, impotent world. In the wake of a natural disaster, who would help the people to recover and rebuild? You? With their old world in ruins, would they thank you for the new? Consider what your principles are truly worth. But time is of the essence. This is your last opportunity."

"An' what 'bout you, Mr. President?" I said. "What the hell are your vaunted principles? Greed? Power?"

He scoffed. "What principles? Did you understand a single word of what I told you? I know what I want, and I take it. I take full advantage of whatever I can and discard that which I cannot. I have neither room nor the desire for sentiment, guilt, or remorse."

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"Oh, didn't you know? Money and power are all you need to make your dreams come true these days."

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 2: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now