I have.. no more motivation...

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Since that day, Isabella hasn't been her extremely cheery self, commonly sulking outside sitting under the old tree Her and Leslie use to sit under, she commonly was seen not putting 100% into anything, but then she remembers a promise, "my promise to Leslie! I promised him I'll escape and live longer then anyone else!" Isabella then gets up and climbs the tree and jumps to the wall and she walks around it, and she notices all that there is, is just a big ditch, and she stares down at it, "is there any escape..? Is this.. all there is..? Why did I just notice it now..? I can't get across that..." Isabella sighs and jumps off the wall, "I can't escape... And without Leslie, what's the point...?"

Isabella just lays in the dirt, "there's nothing I can do now.. there's no hope.. the escape is hopeless... I no longer have enough motivation... To carry on trying to escape.... Maybe there's another thing I can do... To live longer..." She then sits up and Sarah comes over to her, "Isabella, what are you doing in the dirt?" Isabella looks at Sarah, and Sarah stares at her, "it's about Leslie?"

Isabella sits up fully, "how can I outlive everyone, mama?" Sarah stares, "you can.. become a mother." Isabella looks at her, "a mother?" Sarah nods, "the mother of grace field house, you will outlive everyone here, if you do so, and only girls get the choice, on their 12th birthdays." Isabella stares, "on their 12th birthdays.... You can do that to honor your word, of living longer, for Leslie."

A Time Back Then... [The Promised Neverland]Where stories live. Discover now