Sandi Hawkins dance (Glee, Superman and Lois, Flash

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Notice: I keep having dreams about this so enjoy!
Summary: The girls of team flash and arrow ask Barry to go with them in the Sandi Hawkins dance, but Barry rejects. Team Flash and Arrow are wondering why, well Barry is gay and has a boyfriend (Clark Kent/Superman from Earth 38). The reason why nobody knows is because it will reveal something more like someone from his past that he regrets doing. What happens if Team flash and arrow find out?

Barry was in the Cortex listening to music when Iris suddenly comes in squealing.

"Guys, I have great new!"

"What?" Everyone said sync. Iris ran over to the computers to search something up.

"Sandi Hawkins dance!" She said squealing again. "The one where the girls ask the boys out for the dance?" Oliver asked, Iris nodded. The girls left the cortex thinking about who to ask out to the dance, while Barry inside is freaking out because he's gay and has a boyfriend. If you knew Barry really well then you'll know about his other side, Sebastin Smythe. You might be thinking no that impossible Sebastin is a French model, inherit to the Smythe fortune and owns lots of companies in all of Ohio and Paris and that he went off the radar 12 years ago. Well it's true. Plus he did good at hiding his emotions. Once the girls came back Iris went infront of Barry, "Barry do you want to come to the Sandi Hawkins dance with me?" She asked in her best puppy face and tears. "I'm sorry, but no." He said calming. "Ok, you're probably right. I'm not good enough for you." She says walking away sadly.

"How could you, she obviously wanted to do badly ask you out?!" Joe said raising his voice. Barry's mind wanted to scream out, 'MAYBE CAUSE IM FUCKING GAY AND HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!'

Joe shook his head in disappointment. Caitlin then asked Barry who only disagree. This kept going on before Thea screamed at Barry, "BARRY ALLEN, WHY ATE YOU DECLINING ALL OF US!?! TELL ME THE REASON!!" Barry didn't even flinch but could see everyone else flinch. "I don't want to talk about it." He then flash away and opened a portal to Earth 38. Quickly he went to his and his boyfriend's house, once he arrived he slammed the door loud casing Clark to drop some of his food he was cooking onto the floor causing Olivia (their dog) to eat it.

"What's wrong Barr?" Clark asked after finishing cooking eggs. Barry flash over to grab some but Clark quickly moved them out of his reach.

"Mine." Clark said with a smirk. "I hate you." Barry mutter under his breath but Clark heard him (because he has super hearing) causing him to snort, "But I thought you love me?" He said innocent as possible.

"I do love you." He mumbled under Clark's neck.

"You ready to tell me?" Clark asked from where he finish cooking eggs.

"Sandi Hawkins dance, all the girls are asking me to go to the dance with me. But I can't tell them I'm dating you, or that I'm gay. Remeber it reveals a link from Sebastin Smythe." Barry ranted, Clark took Barry's hands.

"Hey Barry, you know what if you go to the Sandi Hawkins dance with me and tell them about your past later?" Clark asked Barry whose head snapped up fast, who you will think used his speed.

"I will love that." Barry said giving Clark a kiss on the lips.

"My Sandi Hawkins Dance is next week, and you can be my date." Clark laugh when Barry started bouncing like a puppy saying yes.

Time skip from bob

It was time for the dance, Clark and Barry were already there waiting for Team flash and arrow. Once they arrived Oliver ask something make Barry spit out his drink, "Hi, quick question why are you here next to my friend? Are you his date or what?" The others look at him questionly.

"If I tell you it will reveal a link that I will tell you about it after the dance." Barry stated so calmly that it startled the others (including Oliver).

"What Barry is trying to say is, I'm his boyfriend." They stare at the couple in shock. Joe was the first one to snapped out of it because he replied with, "Yeah right you been pinning on Iris your whole life." Barry just laugh and Iris just stands there in shock, was Barry really pinning on her?

"Yeah right Joe, I only faked it because I didn't knew if you were a homophobia." Barry replied.

No one believed Barry was gay until Barry kiss Clark full on the lips. "Ok, you were right Barry you really are gay." Caitlin said causing the other to agree. Barry and Clark spent the whole night making out. While the rest drank and dance with their date

Once everyone arrived at the cortext Barry immediately searched up 'sebastin Smythe' reading everything about him.

"Sebastin Smythe is the inherited of the Smythe fortune. He is the only Smythe member that still lives. He is a French model and one of his biggest billboard is still up. 'its still up?' He is a multibillionaire. He attended Dalton Academy, a boarding school with a zero tolerance bulling policy. He almost blinded former Captian of the Warblers by throwing a slushy filled with rock salt. He blackmailed lead singer of the New Directions Rachel Berry, by posting a Photoshop naked photo of her ex-fiance to win a show choir competition. But he never posted online. And insulted David Karofsky into commiting suicide, he managed to survive the attempt suicide. He later apologize to all of them and donated a million dollars to charity. He was a former Warbler captain but step down for his evil ways, Hunter Clarington then became the new Captian of the Warblers but step down for forcing the Warblers to take steroids and drugging his roommate Sebastin Smythe in his sleep and drinks. Trent saved all of them by confessing they were forced to take steroids or else they couldn't compete. Sebastin reminds in the same spot and is last seen helping Hollywood gay couple Kurt Hummel- Anderson and Blaine Hummel- Anderson propose." Barry read shocking everyone.

"Are you guys mad?" Barry asked, scared of what they might say. "We are not mad Barr, where're just shocked." Iris replied.

The next week Barry and Clark went to the Sandi Hawkins dance on Earth 38 and enjoyed it.

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