Happier - (Peter Parker x Fem!reader)

35 1 0

Word Count: 313

Warnings: Angst, big surprise

A/N OK so this is a little drabble, something I have had in my drafts for a while. So please correct me if I made any mistakes!

It had been a while since the snap had happened. Five years had passed. Apparently, I was gone. The last thing I remember was Mr. Stark putting me on the ground and then darkness. It felt like I was stuck, nowhere to go, nothing to see, and then all of a sudden I was back. Dr. Strange made me go through some fancy magic portal that came shooting out of his hands. and then Mr. Stark was gone, right before my eyes. Everything was blurred. School started again, all too soon, all too fast. Where was she? Where was y/n?

I asked Ned about her, but he didn't know. Was she gone from the snap? Or was she one of the ones that stayed? I asked May, but she said her parents had moved away. And then I saw her. In the park, with someone else. Going for a jog. He had a glove on, which was weird. But taller, older than me. I mean, she was 23 now, why would she want to stay with me? I followed her, trying to not be creepy. After all, she probably thought I was gone. She got to an apartment complex and walked in. I followed her, finally working up the courage to say something, anything. She turned around, eyes widening, gasping when she saw me. 

I smiled sheepishly. She reached a hand out, almost as if to touch my face, but withdrew, looking down. 

"You were gone. No one knew where you went. May, Ned, Mj, all gone. My family moved away, wanting to be closer with everyone else. I had no choice. I'm sorry Peter. I-"

She looked down again, refusing to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry."

I almost said something, but I didn't want to. I would not want to get in the way. She was happy, happier there, even if it was without me. 

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