Damnit Tony (Bruce Banner x Fem!Reader)

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Word Count: 738

Warnings: Light swearing and fluff

Bruce sighed. "Again, I'm sorry y/n, but I have no one else to ask. Besides, this is for a mission anyways."

You smiled nervously. "It's ok, I've just never done something like this before. Have you been to many galas like this?"

Bruce shook his head. He looked very pale. "I don't normally go to big events. I'm always afraid I will let the big guy out and hurt others." A small trickle of sweat ran down his face. Poor guy. You grasped his hand without thinking, and squeezed it, trying to calm him. Surprisingly, he got a little color back into his face, slightly avoiding your gaze.

The elevator dinged, and you stepped out into the midst of an elegant party. Music was playing from an exquisite piano, and guests milled around, enjoying the expensive champagne. All unknowing of the danger that could happen, whether it be from Bruce or from the Hydra agents.

"Lie low. Remember, this convention lasts a few days. You two could be there longer than we thought. Stay safe." Tony's voice spoke through the hidden earpieces you two had. You turned to Bruce, making it look like you two were talking.

You muttered softly while Bruce kept an eye on the surroundings. "Thanks, Tony. We'll be okay."

You looped your arms with Bruce's and began making your rounds. Many people stopped by to talk to Bruce, letting you listen and keep an eye out. So far nothing was suspicious yet, and the night slowly wound down. Many stopped by, asking about you. The plan was to tell them that you were his new girlfriend, which was believable. You played the part of a bubbly, lovesick girl very well, almost too well. You noticed how Bruce's eyes kept on flitting back to yours before darting away again. His face was growing redder, probably from the drinks.

Trying not to interrupt a conversation he was having, you whispered into his ear, "It's getting late, we have nothing now. Tony told us to lie low, so we should probably head back to the room without a disturbance."

Bruce excused himself quickly, and the two of you walked out of the room, as quickly as you could without causing alarm. It was already dangerous for Bruce to be in there, and he certainly had a lot more anxiety than he let on.

You unlocked the hotel door, expecting to find two beds. To your surprise, there was only...one.You looked nervously at Bruce, who surveyed the room. He scratched the back of his head, a blush deepening his face. It was clearly your room, both of your stuff was there and laid out nicely.

You put your finger up to your ears, turning the mic back on. "Tony, what the hell is this?" You questioned, Bruce still standing on the edge of the doorway.

You could hear the smirk in Tony's voice. "Oh just something I arranged. You guys just need a push, that's all." Then the mic clicked off. You pulled the earpiece out angrily, putting it on the nightstand. Bruce looked frozen.

"Banner, you can come in you know," You said, slightly avoiding his gaze. He walked in slowly, and sat on the bed.

"You can have the bathroom first," He murmured, adjusting the pillows. You nodded, and grabbed your bag of clothes. You took a quick shower, and changed, trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable. You unlocked the door and dropped your bag in the hallway, taking a breath to steady yourself.

To your surprise, Bruce was already under the covers and fast asleep. He must've been tired all night, and didn't say anything. He looked so peaceful while he was asleep, and relaxed. But somehow, he still looked a bit nervous, like he might hulk out at any second. Poor guy, it was probably in his nature to be worried about that. You got in on the other side, snuggling into the sheets, and fell asleep quickly.

You woke up around midnight, still very groggy, and felt an arm pulling you closer. You froze, and then realized it was Bruce. But wait, why was Bruce holding you? You turned around, very slowly, and saw that he was still asleep. He must have done it on accident. But you didn't mind, and your heart was racing. You turned back around, pressing your back to his chest, and fell back asleep.   

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