Red - (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader)

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Word Count: 1570

Warnings: mentions of fighting, fluff

A/N Ok this was actually really fun to write, and Natasha is such a cool character!

I remembered that day clearly. I was at a luncheon with my parents. They insisted I go, after all, it was to be a family event. I had on a beautiful red dress, modest, flowing. It was perfect for an outing of this type. And then people began to turn to dust. Chaos ensued, and my parents were gone, just like that. Time whirled by, and the next thing I knew, it was night, and I was alone in the cold. A man walked up to me, demanding money that I did not have. A couple of blows to my head, and then I was crumpled on the sidewalk, unconscious.

Then a beautiful face in front of mine. Her fingers probed my skull, searching for signs of injury. I closed my eyes again, the pain was overwhelming. I heard her mutter something about a red dress, but I had already slipped out of consciousness.

------Natasha's pov------

I found her lying in the city. I had just got back from Wakanda, the pain of losing everyone fresh in my mind. I was driving around, trying to get my mind off of it when I saw it. Bright red. I slammed on the brakes and got out of the car. She looked like an angel from hell, her dress like a pool of blood swirling around her. Her head was bruised and she had scrapes on her hands. I knelt next to her, moving my fingers on her head, making sure there were no cuts. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me, her vibrant (e/c) eyes meeting mine.

"This damn red dress is making this hard to see where you're bleeding," I said, but she had already closed her eyes again. I sighed and kept looking for injuries. She didn't seem to be too hurt. But she clearly had no one else. I needed to wake her up, so I could help her get in the car. I would just have to make do with what was in the car.

------Your pov------

I opened my eyes and groaned, my head felt super heavy. I was still lying on the concrete, and the mysterious woman was cleaning up scrapes on my elbow. I shuffled a bit and she looked up, her eyes moving over my face.

"Good, you're awake. Listen, I know you are in pain right now, but I need you to help me move you to the car. I'll ask you more questions once we get inside and we aren't out in the open. Just stay awake for me."

I nodded my head wordlessly. In my mind, I knew I should not trust a stranger, but I had nowhere else to go. Everybody was gone anyways, what difference would it make? She tenderly wrapped my arm around her neck, and I used my waning strength to push myself up. We moved over to the car, every step jolting my already pained head. She opened the car door for me and I almost collapsed, the pain blinding. I put on my seatbelt and leaned back against the headrest, closing my eyes again.

"Hold on," she said. "I need to ask some questions first. What the hell happened?" I started telling her, what had happened, how I had no one left. I kept on going on and on, not realizing how late it was getting. But she insisted that it was fine. She also told me about herself, her name was Natasha, and what had happened, why everyone had disappeared. I had almost talked for an hour until I noticed the clock.

"It's so late, I really should stop. Thank you for helping me," I said.

She sighed, and then replied, "Well, let me bring you to where I live, I can fix you up there. Then I'll bring you back here. Based on this whole event you went to, I am going to assume you have a place to go."

I nodded, I had my own apartment after all. She started the car and pulled away from the curb. "Any more questions?" I asked, fighting my eyes to stay open.

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