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Next day

"Babe we have to go to the Keith's in 20 minutes" I pop my head in jadens office

"Shit ok I'm sorry I completely forgot" he closes his laptop and stands up walking over to me and Bella

"You ready princess" Bella shakes her head and pouts "Aww dont be sad we will still see you" Jaden kisses her head then kisses me

We get everything together and leave the house and go to the second possible home for Bella. When we get there the outside looked normal

We knocked on the door and a Middle Aged women opened the door and smiled at us "hello I'm Jill nice to meet you guys"

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We knocked on the door and a Middle Aged women opened the door and smiled at us "hello I'm Jill nice to meet you guys"

I shake her hand "I'm ally and this is Jaden" she smiles at us and opens the door wider

The house looks semi clean

"And is this little Isabella?" She tickles Bella's stomach and she giggles "yes it is" I put her down and Bella hides behind Jadens legs

"Is it ok if we ask you some questions?" I ask as we sit down on the couch

"Of course"

"So how many people live here?"

"My boyfriend, his 2 daughters who are both 14"

"Where are they now?"

"My boyfriend is out taking his girls shopping their birthday is coming up"

"Do you have a job?"

"Yes I am a elementary teacher"

"What does your boyfriend do?"

"He doesn't work"

"So he will be here most of the time?"

"Yes he will but he is very responsible he has 2 kids of his own that he raised since they were born"

"Ok umm can we see where Bella would possibly stay?"

"Yes of course right this way"

We followed her down a hallway that was filled with pictures of their little family. She opened the door

It was quit big for a toddlers room but that's just great that she gets some room

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It was quit big for a toddlers room but that's just great that she gets some room.

"This is great" I say looking around

"Do you like it Bella?" She looks at me and smiles "yea" She says

After the meeting

"So I think that one is the one" I say Jaden looks at me and nods "it's nice I like it"

"Hey Bella what did you think of the house?" Jaden asks Bella from the back seat

"I wike it they have puppy" she giggles

"Do you want to live there?"

"Yea but I want you" she pouts

"Aww baby we will still visit"

"You pwomise"

"Yes we promise" Jaden says

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