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It's been about 3 days since we saw Bella, Jaden has been working and having meetings nonstop. I have been just cleaning, cooking, and watching tv.

I miss Bella even more now that I have nothing to do. Currently I'm just sitting on our bed scrolling through a shopping website on FaceTime with Nessa.

"Awww baby's are so adorable" Nessa says in Aww, I laugh

"Yes they are"

"Have you and josh ever thought about having a baby?" I ask

"Yea we both agreed we should wait until we are both ready and for sure we're gonna be together" I nod

"How about you and Jaden?" Nessa asks

That's a good question. Me and Jaden have never talked about having a baby, I mean I want to have a baby with Jaden but I don't know how he would feel about it. Jadens life isn't the safest I don't want to ever put my kid in danger so I'm not really sure.

"No we haven't. Jaden doesn't have the best life style I just don't want to have our child come into danger" I sigh

"Well do you want to be with Jaden for the rest of your life?"

"Yes of course, I love Jaden and I don't think I could love anyone more than I love him" I blush thinking about him and I

"Well you could always talk to Jaden about Having kids and his job" I nod

"Yea I think I might Bc I honestly want kids especially now that we don't have Bella with us"

"Aww I miss little Bella, how is she?" Nessa asks

"Well when we went to see her she looked fine but when we started asking questions about her new home she like was getting really nervous and stuttering a lot"

"Aww do you think somethings up?"

"Yea I do but Jaden said he will look into the Kevin guy to see if he has a criminal record"

"Oh ok"

"Well I'm gonna go I'll text you later love you"

"Love you too ness"

After the call ended I finished up my shopping.

Later that day
I'm sitting in our bed when Jaden comes into the bedroom, he comes over and takes his shirt off and changed his pants to sweats. He jumps on the bed next to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I missed you so much today" he says closing his eyes and laying his head on my chest

"I missed you too"

"Hey jay?"

"Yes love?"

"Ik you had a busy day but I talked to Nessa today and I really wanted to talk to you about something important" He opens his eyes and sits up

"Yea of course baby, what's up?"

"Well I wanted to know how you would feel about having a baby with me?" I say nervously

Jaden chuckles and kissed my cheek

"Baby, love, of course I want to have a baby with you. I want to have a million babies with you" I sigh in relief

"Idk about a million" I laugh

"But the only thing I'm worried about is if we have a baby I don't want it to be in this life style" he nods

"It's dangerous at any moment our baby could be taken or even worst killed and I don't want that"

"I wouldn't ever let anything happen to you or our future kids"

"And I know that but it still is dangerous"

"Ik" he says

"Look I want to have a future with you, I want you to be the mother of my Children, so if that means I have to give up my position as the mafia leader then so be it" my eyes widen

Did he just say he would quit and throw away his position as leader just for me and our future.

"No Jay I don't want you to throw away everything you have done just because I'm scared" He cups my face

"Love, I would do anything you wanted me to do" he pecks my lips

"You are my Queen, and if my queen wants something My Queen shall get" I blush and kiss his lips

We pull away and stare into each other's eyes "I love you so much Jaden"

"I love you more Ally"

"Just so you know I won't be throwing everything away, I will put my most trusted member to be the leader, I will then become the king"

"What does the king do?"

"I won't be doing anything dangerous, I just would be in charge if everyone and help them decide things if needed"

"So by no chance any harm will come to our kids?"

"No, they will now talk to the new leader for any problems"

I smile and kiss him again

"So does this mean we can start preparing to have a baby?" He laughs

"Anything you want love"

We ended up cuddling and talking about our future for the rest of the night until we both fell asleep.

A/n: Next chapter is going to be very interesting so stay tuned 😌👏

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