002 😈🔫

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All of a sudden the door swings open revealing Nessa she looks worried, she spots me and takes me out the room taking me to a different room which I'm guessing is hers. "What happened" she said hugging me on the floor "he touched me" I said crying into Nessas arms "wait....why is ur neck brusied" she said moving my hair "h-he c-choked me" I said balling "on hell no" she said getting up and taking me with her.

We walk into the same place we were at, I'm pretty sure it's a office. "Hey babe" the guy with brown hair says Nessa ignores him and walks up to the guy that choked me. "You ass hole" Nessa said slapping the guy, the guy was about to smack Nessa but who I'm guessing is her boyfriend stopped him "you better not lay a hand in my girl or will have serious problems" the boy said going closer to Nessa "what happened babe" he said pulling her towards him "josh he laid his hands on my friend" I was shocked by her calling me her friend but I didn't mind she's really sweet. The boys looked at me "he did what" the guy with tattoos said with a angry expression, the guy walked over to me and lifted my chin and pulled my hair back. Nessa walked over with josh and they looked at my neck, I put my head down and a tear fell "babe don't cry" she said hugging me, we pulled away.

The guy with tattoos touched my neck and I flinched and cried in pain, the boy looked me in the eyes and angry grew in his eyes "Jaden what are you gonna do" josh said watching jadens every move "Now did I tell that you could touch her" Jaden said looking at the guy "she's just so hot I couldn't help my self I needed her" the guy said looking over at me licking his lips I dug my head into nessas neck and cried more. "I don't care no one said to" Jaden said "well I was horny and when I saw her I had to have her she's perfect" the guy said licking his lips again "yes she is but don't ever lay a hand on her again am I understood" Jaden said clenching his jaw. awww he's sticking up for me. Bitch he lives with a shit ton of prettier girls he don't want ur ass. He's hit when he's mad. Shut up ur supposed to be sad and hurt. Oh yea right.

Nessa hugged me tighter "get tf out" he said to the guy he walked out looking at me one last time. I let go of Nessa and Jaden came over to me and cupped my face "are you okay" he said looking into my eyes. Damn his eyes. "Y-yea" I said slightly shaking. "Let's go babe I'll talk to you later come to my room when ur ready" I nodded and gave her a small smile, her and josh left leaving me and Jaden alone.

Jadens POV

I looked at the most beautiful girl I have ever seen she was really beautiful, I hated seeing her like this

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I looked at the most beautiful girl I have ever seen she was really beautiful, I hated seeing her like this. Wtf no Jaden. But she's hurt. Just comfort her don't be stupid. As the voices in my head argued back and forth about what to do I saw how sad and in pain she looked. Just do it. I hugged her, idk why but I had the urge to protect her. She hugged me back she smelled really good, her warm body against mine it felt....nice it was different.
Ally's POV

I was still shocked about what just happened my head was spinning with questions but I was too scared to ask them, all of a sudden I felt his strong, soft, warm arms wrap around me

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I was still shocked about what just happened my head was spinning with questions but I was too scared to ask them, all of a sudden I felt his strong, soft, warm arms wrap around me. Omg he's hugging me wtf. He smells hella good.

"I want you to stay with Nessa throughout he day" Jaden said hugging me tighter "can I ask you a question" I said quietly "of course" he said pulling away looking me in my eyes "w-what is this place" I said putting my head down "we're the devils" I looked up at his making eye contact with his gorgeous eyes "what's the devils" I asked confused he laughed "it's one of the best gangs in the world" my eyes widened "are you...like the boss or something" he nodded "me and josh run this place" I nodded "you ok" he asked lifting much chin making me look in his eyes I nodded "what do you do here" I asked another question "damn baby full of questions aren't you" baby?? Wtf he just called me baby. Relax he probably calls every girl that. "I'm sorry" I said looking away from him "all good butterfly we sell drugs, sell girls, handle others people light work" he said sitting against his desk "I-is that why I'm here" I said my voice beginning to crack "Were but I changed my mind" "what why" I said confused "stop asking so many questions. Nessa's waiting for find her" he said turning back around and sitting down in his seat "o-ok" I say walking out.

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