Chapter Two: Well This Is Awkward

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The morning after the horrible dinner party and being ogled in the hall, I woke to a letter on my bedside table. The address was from one of the scout camps. I lunged forward and snatched it, ripping it open, my heart thundering. Asal had been gone so long, and had't replied to even one letter I sent.

Princess Lilya, (it read)

I feel I must inform you that my last action before leaving you is misunderstood. I have read your letters and I think you must misunderstand my feelings towards you. You are my princess, dare I say, my dear sister. I cannot and would not give you my heart. My affection for you is of a different kind than I think you believe.

Please, do not write back.

Your most respectful,

Major Äsal Derija

I shrieked, and threw down the letter. Tears filled my eyes, and spilled over. Deep inside me, I felt something rip. A throbbing pain was inside my chest, and with every tear that fell it beat deeper.

I looked around for the letter, and dropped to the floor, feeling around until I found it. Inside, with his short note, was another note, in a different hand.

'We regret to inform you that Major Äsal was dispatched on a short mission two weeks ago, from which he has not returned when expected. We have thus assumed him missing in action, presumed dead.'

"Äsal!" I screamed, and leaned against the bed, covering my face. The walls of the castle were thick, and no one heard my grief.

Dramatic, right? I know. I'm embarrassed you had to read that.


"Lilya? Lilya, my dear, breakfast is ready." Through a splitting headache, I heard my older sister, Iiosola. I pushed myself up. I had fallen asleep on the floor, with a piece of paper clutched in my hand. I rubbed my face. Why was I on the floor? "Sola?" I scrambled to my feet. Then I remembered the events of last night and sank back to the floor.

"Lilya?" Iiosola opened the door slightly.

"Please leave." I squeezed my eyes shut.

The door opened more. "Come on Lil! We're back. Don't you want to see your sister and new brother?"

My brain finally kicked on the rest of the way. They were back! I got up. The world might have just ended, but the post honeymoon party would commence. "Sola! I forgot!" I pushed through the door and gave her a crushing hug.

She grinned as she pulled back, but the grin faded. "What's wrong?"

I handed her the note from Äsal.

Her face went white. "What does he mean? 'my last action before leaving you is misunderstood'. What did he do?"

I bit my lip. No more tears. "He...he kissed me."

"And he says that is misunderstood?" Iiosola's eyes hardened. "That block-head, that...On the lips? Not your cheek, or hand, or hem of your dress, or..."

I stopped her. "On the lips."

"That can't be misunderstood." She said flatly, and stalked around the room for a minute, before facing me grabbing my shoulders. "Lil. I know this may be hard, but if he sent you that, after kissing you, for goodness sake...Well, to put it bluntly, he is idiotic."

Tears filled my eyes. "But...look." I handed her the other note.

"Iio!" Ësal knocked on the door jamb.

I turned away. Iio stared, stricken, at the letter. "When did you get this?"

"I read it last night, I don't know when I got it, but..." The tears in my eyes spilled over.

Iio went to the door and opened it. "Look." She handed the paper with the news to Ësal, who took it, and read it, his eyes widening. "Mother of Dragons." He whispered.

I dropped onto my bed. Äsal was gone, probably dead. The room whirled around me as Iio started crying and Ësal rushed out of the room. I put my head in my hands, trying to keep calm. He was gone, and didn't love me. He hadn't loved me. He probably hated me now, if he was even alive. Those things I had written in my letters; I was ashamed of them now. I had called him 'my love', 'my darling', and described how much I missed him. I slammed my hand against the wall. Why had I been so foolish? I rocked back and forth.

And the country was in danger. I sat up and brushed my hair from my face. Iio had left the room, and there was a muted uproar going on outside my door. There was no Äsal for me, so it did not matter who I married. I could marry the prince. I would marry that prince, no matter if I hated him with all my being. A coldness seemed to enter my heart and mind. I stood, and strode through the chaos in the halls to my father's study. I didn't knock, but went in. Father sat at his desk. I crossed my arms.

"I agree to marry the Free Elf prince."

Father stared at me. "You do? I thought we'd already--"

Pffff look at me pretending I had a choice.

"Yes." I lifted my chin. "When would the wedding be?"

"Well, as soon as the rest of the Free Elves have gotten word and made their way here." He peered at me. "Are you alright?"

I steeled myself, and set my jaw. "Yes."

Ugh. My apologies.

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