Chapter 1: Mama? (Juniper's POV)

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The sun was blazing over the village of Lunar, the humans were quietly huddled up in their groups, eyes filled with curiosity and some filled with hatred were glancing my way. On a day like no other, females were cautious of my appearance and the males were lost in their own world, minds filled with nothing but war and heavens know what else

 I hissed out in irritation, watching as they slowly cower away from my harsh gaze, running my fingers through my curls as they frizzed out from the sizzling heat. "Sometimes I wonder how this village survives with the way things are. Alas, there is nothing I can do but protect them from what lies beyond these forests. " Her eyes darkened at the thought of more lives being drawn to end as she shifted her attention to the flock of birds cawing and crying, before sprinting off in that direction. At a young age, she was skilled, even more, skilled than the elder himself. No one knew where she was originally from, except for the basket she was cradled in and the dagger that was left. 

Treated like an outsider and hidden from the world, I had to work my butt off to finally feel like I fit in. Kids my age always found a way to tease and taunt me, slowly no longer aware of where I was going I just ran and let my feet do the work. Shaking my head as my eyes began to darken, I come to a sudden halt knocking into a tree and tumbling over. "I guess that's one way to break and come to a stop." Softly groaning as I felt my head begin to pound, tears welded from the corners of my eyes temporarily blinding me as I blink them away. 

Refocusing on the surrounding area, her eyes appeared upon a hatchling. Nothing she has seen before she gasped. The little creatures flared their wings out looking around for the girl. Juniper slowly approached the little hatchling as its winded at the sudden appearance of the being. It shuffled its way back to the egg, hissing and snarling as it began to tremble, fear coursing through its veins. "Shh, little one don't fret I am not going to harm you. My name is Juniper, I wish to help you. " She softly cooed at the small being, reaching a hand out for the sapphire dragonling to sniff, before sinking its fangs into her hand. "Ack! Aren't ye a fiesty thing." She laughed before removing her cloak, tossing it at the small creature. Softly sighing as she made her way deeper into the woods, dagger in hand scouting the area. 

The dragonling slowly bundled its way into the cloak, sniffing and clawing at the material before crying out. A melody letting know the skies its found the destined owner, a bond would soon be formed between beast and human. The sapphire dragonling shuffled and curled up in the cloak that was bestowed upon her now human mother. 

While on the hunt for food, Juniper glanced down upon her hand as it began to burn from the teeth that were once embedded.  A pattern took its place slowly shaping into a star with the eye of sapphire place in the middle. Tensing up, she cradled the wounded slowing heaving as she made contact with the forest floor. Becoming uncautious unknowing of the danger that was slowly approaching her from within. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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