Chapter Five: Breakfast And School

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Elias kept quiet.

"Whoa, your quiet today. Nice change for the day, maybe today is a good day brother!" The boy closest to Elias spoke to him and to his twin.

"It is a good day Axis, today is his last day here." The eldest child and a male lead finally spoke with a smirk on his lips as opposed to talking to the duke and the beautiful black woman that sat opposite him. The boy had was like a carbon copy of his father but much softer looking. His grey blue eyes were a mix between his father's silver eyes and his mother's blue eyes, the child also had black hair like his father, a tall nose and sharp and intelligent eyes, his lips were thin and a pale pink and he his face looked to be still developing at his cheeks were still the tiniest bit round if you looked closely and his cheekbones were becoming more prominent, and finally his skin was light but not pale by any means it probably came from his mother's side. All his features made him to be quite a handsome child.

"Aurelius, what have I told you about taking to him." The blond woman scolded. She too was beautiful with Safire blue eyes and long lemon yellow hair. Her skin was pale without a single blemish on it and her cheeks and lips were a rosy color.

"I was talking to Axis not him mother." he defended himself. It became clear to Elias that Aurelius' mother did not want him being chummy with him. That was fine, if he just got on her good side than maybe she'd be ok with them getting close.

The blond woman sighs before speaking almost to herself "It seems my distain for that thing only grows as the days go by."

'...Wow' is all Elias could think of this. For some who is supposedly family to say something like that...and to a child's face, emphasis on child... truly shameless and cruel she was.

"Maybe that's why he's acting so strangely, but then again he is crazy." Axis spoke as if he were not there, no everyone is talking as if he isn't here. The only one how made some sort of conversation with him was the duke, and even then he was criticizing him for being late to breakfast, even though Elias was just between life and death a few hours ago. This man was colder than ice it seemed, but Elias with his cute face should be able to thaw this heart out with his face alone no?

"And stupid, don't forget stupid." Axis' twin brother, who's name Elias still hadn't gotten, added.

"His hair looks especially stupid today." Aurelius commented, and this actually upset amd surprised Elias who thought it looked nice on him.

"Doesn't matter what his hair looks like or what he wears, it'll be ugly on him. Hmmm, the only thing I can think of that would suit him would be a sack." This roughly translates to 'you look ugly no matter what you do and your undeserving of the things you have, even your cloths. '

The duke and stunning lady paid them no mind, even when they were done with their conversation, they let the poor child be bullied by his elder brothers and a fully grown women.

Elias sighed inwardly recognizing that his task would be difficult if not almost impossible, be he still held on to the hope that it wasn't too late to be a family with these people. Though truthfully he didn't think he still wanted to be family with these people.

The onslaught of insults continued until Axis finished eating to which he egged his twin on, who's he came to find out was Arris, to hurry up and finish the last of his breakfast so they can be on their way to school. The whole ordeal left Elias without much of an appetite but he still ate and once everyone was gone (no they didn't say goodbye to him) he enjoyed his food a little more.

When he finished breakfast he turned to the young maid that stood slightly behind him to his right and with pink cheeks asked to take him to school, having learned his lesson to just ask.

When he was outside of the mansion the scenery way lovely and calm, lush green grass coated much of the ground and bushes surrounded the ash colored paved floor to walk on. Elias walked down the stairs and when he reached the bottom he looked back to see what would likely be his new home. The new home had a color palette of grey, white and ash blue giving the beautiful building a calm and cool feel to it and there were many windows, some larger than others. The architecture was really beautiful with repeating patterns here and there. The mansion looked really modern to Elias, compared to what he thought the building would look like.

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A carriage came to him, it too had the same color palette as the new home and a house emblem on it

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A carriage came to him, it too had the same color palette as the new home and a house emblem on it. The coach man came down and bowed down to him and swiftly opened the door for him to enter. Elias stepped in and found the inside to also be very pretty and comfortable. The coach man closed the door and seconds later the carriage began to move, at first the ride was smooth but soon after they passed the gates the ride became bumpy and rather rough though the cushioned seat eased the movements of the carriage.

He felt like looking out the window but decided he had more important things to worry about, like the plot of the story.

In the original story the heroine was the daughter of a Barron and she came to the prestigious school though a scholarship. The story for the most part is a high school romance story that ended with graduation, some deaths of a few villains and villainess and some innocent people due to natural causes, and Elias' death, and the female lead and second prince becoming crown prince and princess due to the death of the first prince in action. Actually the death of the first prince is kind of a conspiracy, but he would have to think of that later though. But back to the main subject: the heroine would go on to meet five more characters, not including himself because yes he too was a love interest and villain and the second prince, she would go on to positively affect them and earn their love and admiration and because of their love and admiration they become very protective and increasingly more violent towards the villain's until finally when they graduated and became adults they built up a case against the villains and had them executed. That is the main bulk of the story excluding some key events.

Elias' task was clear stay far away fror the heroine, far way from the villains, far away from the male leads minus his brother and basically become the quite kid or at least change his reputation into something more positive.

Soon the carriage came to a stop and seconds later the door opened. Elias took a deep breath and came out. "Come pick me up when school is over." He said to the coach man, and he nodded in response.

The carriage rode of leaving Elias to stand at the gate gazing at his new school.

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